Document Typography Info (DOPTYPOGRAPHY)

These options are Far East only, and are accessible through the Typography tab of the Tools/Options dialog.

00fKerningPunctshort:100000001true if we're kerning punctuation
  iJustificationshort:200000006Kinsoku method of justification:
       0 = always expand
       1 = compress punctuation
       2 = compress punctuation and kana.
  iLevelOfKinsokushort:200000018Level of Kinsoku:
       0 = Level 1
       1 = Level 2
       2 = Custom
  f2on1short:1000000202-page-on-1 feature is turned on.
22cchFollowingPunctshort  length of rgxchFPunct
44cchLeadingPunctshort  length of rgxchLPunct
66rgxchFPunctXCHAR[101]  array of characters that should never appear at the start of a line
208D0rgxchLPunctXCHAR[51]  array of characters that should never appear at the end of a line

cbDOPTYPOGRAPHY (count of bytes of DOPTYPOGRAPHY) is 310 bytes (decimal), 136 (hex)..