Page Descriptor (PGD)

  fGhostshort:20030redefine fEmptyPage and fAllFtn. true when blank page or footnote only page
00fContinueshort:100011 only when footnote is continued from previous page
  fUnkshort:100021 when page is dirty (i.e. pagination cannot be trusted)
  fRightshort:100041 when right hand side page
  fPgnRestartshort:100081 when page number must be reset to 1.
  fEmptyPageshort:100101 when section break forced page to be empty.
  fAllFtnshort:100201 when page contains nothing but footnotes
  fTableBreaksshort:10080table breaks have been calculated for this page.
  fMarkedshort:10100used temporarily while word is running.
  fColumnBreaksshort:10200column breaks have been calculated for this page.
  fTableHeadershort:10400page had a table header at the end
  fNewPageshort:10800page has never been valid since created, must recalculate the bounds of this page. If this is the last page, this PGD may really represent many pages.
  bkcshort:4F000section break code
22lnnuns short  line number of first line, -1 if no line numbering
44pgnuns short  page number as printed

cbPGD (count of bytes of PGD) is 10.