Paragraph Properties (PAP)

00istduns short  index to style descriptor . This is an index to an STD in the STSH structure
22jcuns char  justification code
0 left justify
1 center
2 right justify
3 left and right justify
4 Medium justify (BiDi/Arabic only).
5 High justify (BiDi/Arabic only).

33fKeepuns char  keep entire paragraph on one page if possible
44fKeepFollowuns char  keep paragraph on same page with next paragraph if possible
55fPageBreakBeforeuns char  start this paragraph on new page
  pcVertshort:20030vertical position code. Specifies coordinate frame to use when paragraphs are absolutely positioned.
0 vertical position coordinates are
relative to margin
1 coordinates are relative to page
2 coordinates are relative to text. This means: relative to where the next non-APO text would have been placed if this APO did not exist.
  pcHorzshort:200C0horizontal position code. Specifies coordinate frame to use when paragraphs are absolutely positioned.
0 horiz. position coordinates are
relative to column.
1 coordinates are relative to margin
2 coordinates are relative to page

/* the brcp and brcl fields have been superseded by the newly defined brcLeft, brcTop, etc. fields. They remain in the PAP for compatibility with MacWord 3.0 */
77brcpuns char  rectangle border codes
0 none
1 border above
2 border below
15 box around
16 bar to left of paragraph
88brcluns char  border line style
0 single
1 thick
2 double
3 shadow/td>
99fBiDiuns char  0 for left to right reading order in paragraph, 1 for right to left reading order in paragraph.

10Ailvluns char  when non-zero, list level for this paragraph
11BfNoLnnuns char  no line numbering for this paragraph. (makes this an exception to the section property of line numbering)
12Cilfoshort  when non-zero, (1-based) index into the pllfo identifying the list to which the paragraph belongs
14EnLvlAnmuns char  no longer used
15F    reserved
1610fSideBySideuns char  when 1, paragraph is a side by side paragraph
1711    reserved
1812fNoAutoHyphuns char  when 0, text in paragraph may be auto hyphenated.
1913fWidowControluns char  when 1, Word will prevent widowed lines in this paragraph from being placed at the beginning of a page
2014dxaRightlong  indent from right margin (signed).
2418dxaLeftlong  indent from left margin (signed)
281CdxaLeft1long  first line indent; signed number relative to dxaLeft
3220lspdLSPD  line spacing descriptor
3624dyaBeforeuns long  vertical spacing before paragraph (unsigned)
4028dyaAfteruns long  vertical spacing after paragraph (unsigned)
442CphePHE  height of current paragraph.
5638fCrLfuns char   
5739fUsePgsuSettingsuns char   
583AfAdjustRightuns char   
593B    reserved
603CfKinsokuuns char  when 1, apply kinsoku rules when performing line wrapping
613DfWordWrapuns char  when 1, perform word wrap
623EfOverflowPunctuns char  when 1, apply overflow punctuation rules when performing line wrapping
633FfTopLinePunctuns char  when 1, perform top line punctuation processing
6440fAutoSpaceDEuns char  when 1, auto space FE and alphabetic characters
6541fAtuoSpaceDNuns char  when 1, auto space FE and numeric characters
6642wAlignFontuns short  font alignment
0 Hanging
1 Centered
2 Roman
3 Variable
4 Auto
7046    reserved
7248fInTablechar  when 1, paragraph is contained in a table row
7349fTtpchar  when 1, paragraph consists only of the row mark special character and marks the end of a table row.
744Awrbyte  Wrap Code for absolute objects
754BfLockedbyte  when 1, paragraph may not be edited
764Cptap*TAP*  used internally by Word
8050dxaAbslong  when positive, is the horizontal distance from the reference frame specified by pap.pcHorz. 0 means paragraph is positioned at the left with respect to the reference frame specified by pcHorz.
Certain negative values have special meaning:
-4 paragraph centered horizontally within reference frame
-8 paragraph adjusted right within
reference frame
-12 paragraph placed immediately inside of reference frame
-16 paragraph placed immediately
outside of reference frame
8454dyaAbslong  when positive, is the vertical distance from the reference frame specified by pap.pcVert. 0 means paragraph's y-position is unconstrained. .
Certain negative values have special meaning:
-4 paragraph is placed at top of reference frame
-8 paragraph is centered vertically
within reference frame
-12 paragraph is placed at bottom of reference frame.
8858dxaWidthlong  when not == 0, paragraph is constrained to be dxaWidth wide, independent of current margin or column settings.
925CbrcTopBRC  specification for border above paragraph
9660brcLeftBRC  specification for border to the left of paragraph
10064brcBottomBRC  specification for border below paragraph
10468brcRightBRC  specification for border to the right of paragraph
1086CbrcBetweenBRC  specification of border to place between conforming paragraphs. Two paragraphs conform when both have borders, their brcLeft and brcRight matches, their widths are the same, they both belong to tables or both do not, and have the same absolute positioning props.
11270brcBarBRC  specification of border to place on outside of text when facing pages are to be displayed.
11674dxaFromTextlong  horizontal distance to be maintained between an absolutely positioned paragraph and any non-absolute positioned text
12078dyaFromTextlong  vertical distance to be maintained between an absolutely positioned paragraph and any non-absolute positioned text
1247CdyaHeightshort:157FFFheight of abs obj; 0 == Auto
  fMinHeightshort:180000 = Exact, 1 = At Least
1267EshdSHD  shading
12880dcsDCS  drop cap specifier (see DCS definition)
13284anldANLD  autonumber list descriptor (see ANLD definition)
216D8fPropRMarkshort  when 1, properties have been changed with revision marking on
218DAibstPropRMarkshort  index to author IDs stored in hsttbfRMark. used when properties have been changed when revision marking was enabled
220DCdttmPropRMarkDTTM  Date/time at which properties of this were changed for this run of text by the author. (Only recorded when revision marking is on.)
224E0numrmNUMRM  paragraph numbering revision mark data (see NUMRM)
352160itbdMacshort  number of tabs stops defined for paragraph. Must be >= 0 and <= 64.
354162rgdxaTabshort[itbdMax]  array of positions of itbdMac tab stops. itbdMax == 64
4821E2rgtbdchar[itbdMax]  array of itbdMac tab descriptors

cbPAP (count of bytes of PAP) is 610 (decimal), 262(hex)

The standard PAP is all zeros except:

fWidowControl 1

fMultLineSpace 1

dyaLine  240 twips

lvl  9