Picture Descriptor (on File) (PICF)

00lcblong  number of bytes in the PIC structure plus size of following picture data which may be a Window's metafile, a bitmap, or the filename of a TIFF file. In the case of a Macintosh PICT picture, this includes the size of the PIC, the standard "x" metafile, and the Macintosh PICT data. See Appendix B for more information.
44cbHeaderunsigned   number of bytes in the PIC (to allow for future expansion).


If a Windows metafile is stored immediately following the PIC structure, the mfp is a Window's METAFILEPICT structure. When the data immediately following the PIC is a TIFF filename, mfp.mm == 98 If a bitmap is stored after the pic, mfp.mm == 99

When the PIC describes a bitmap, mfp.xExt is the width of the bitmap in pixels and mfp.yExt is the height of the bitmap in pixels..

14EbmBITMAP(14 bytes)  Window's bitmap structure when PIC describes a BITMAP.

14 ErcWinMFrc (rectangle - 8 bytes) rect for window origin and extents when metafile is stored -- ignored if 0

28 1CdxaGoalshort horizontal measurement in twips of the rectangle the picture should be imaged within.

30 1EdyaGoalshort vertical measurement in twips of the rectangle the picture should be imaged within.

when scaling bitmaps, dxaGoal and dyaGoal may be ignored if the operation would cause the bitmap to shrink or grow by a non -power-of-two factor

3220mxuns short  horizontal scaling factor supplied by user expressed in .001% units.

3422 myuns short  vertical scaling factor supplied by user expressed in .001% units.

for all of the Crop values, a positive measurement means the specified border has been moved inward from its original setting and a negative measurement means the border has been moved outward from its original setting.

3624dxaCropLeftshort  the amount the picture has been cropped on the left in twips.

3826dyaCropTopshort  the amount the picture has been cropped on the top in twips.

4028dxaCropRightshort  the amount the picture has been cropped on the right in twips.

422AdyaCropBottomshort  the amount the picture has been cropped on the bottom in twips.

442Cbrclshort:4000FObsolete, superseded by brcTop, etc. In WinWord 1.x, it was the type of border to place around picture
0 single
1 thick
2 double
3 shadow
  fFrameEmptyshort:10010picture consists of a single frame
  fBitmapshort:10020==1, when picture is just a bitmap
  fDrawHatchshort:10040==1, when picture is an active OLE object
  fErrorshort:10080==1, when picture is just an error message
  bppshort:8 bits per pixel
0 unknown
1 monochrome


2EbrcTopBRC  specification for border above picture


32brcLeftBRC  specification for border to the left of picture


36brcBottomBRC  specification for border below picture


3AbrcRightBRC  specification for border to the right of picture


3EdxaOriginshort  horizontal offset of hand annotation origin


40dyaOriginshort  vertical offset of hand annotation origin


42 cPropsshort unused


44rgb   variable array of bytes containing Window's metafile, bitmap or TIFF file filename.