Table Properties (TAP)

00jcshort  justification code. specifies how table row should be justified within its column.
0 left justify
1 center
2 right justify
22dxaGapHalflong  measures half of the white space that will be maintained between text in adjacent columns of a table row. A dxaGapHalf width of white space will be maintained on both sides of a column boundary.
66dyaRowHeightlong  when greater than 0. guarantees that the height of the table will be at least dyaRowHeight high. When less than 0, guarantees that the height of the table will be exactly absolute value of dyaRowHeight high. When 0, table will be given a height large enough to represent all of the text in all of the cells of the table. Cells with vertical text flow make no contribution to the computation of the height of rows with auto or at least height. Neither do vertically merged cells, except in the last row of the vertical merge. If an auto height row consists entirely of cells which have vertical text direction or are vertically merged, and the row does not contain the last cell in any vertical cell merge, then the row is given height equal to that of the end of cell mark in the first cell.
10A6fCantSplituns char  when 1, table row may not be split across page bounds
11BfTableHeaderuns char  when 1, table row is to be used as the header of the table
12CtlpTLP  table look specifier (see TLP definition)
1610lwHTMLPropslong  reserved for future use
2014fBiDiuns short  0 for LTR cell layout, 1 for RTL cell layout.
2216fCaFullshort:10001used internally by Word
  fFirstRowshort:10002used internally by Word
  fLastRowshort:10004used internally by Word
  fOutlineshort:10008used internally by Word
2418itcMacshort  count of cells defined for this row. ItcMac must be >= 0 and less than or equal to 64.
261AdxaAdjustlong  used internally by Word
301EdxaScalelong  used internally by Word
3422dxsInchint  used internally by Word
3826rgdxaCentershort[itcMax + 1]  rgdxaCenter[0] is the left boundary of cell 0 measured relative to margin.. rgdxaCenter[tap.itcMac - 1] is left boundary of last cell. rgdxaCenter[tap.itcMac] is right boundary of last cell.
168 A8rgdxaCenterPrintshort[itcMax + 1]  used internally by Word
298 12ArgtcTC[itcMax]  array of table cell descriptors
157862ArgshdSHD[itcMax]  array of cell shades
1706 6ACrgbrcTableBRC[6]  array of border defaults for cells

cbTAP (count of bytes of TAP) is 172A (decimal), 6C2(hex).