Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals, formats the number in decimal format using a period and commas, and returns the result as text.



Number—is the number you want to round and convert to text.

Decimals—is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

No_commas—is a logical value that, if TRUE, prevents FIXED from including commas in the returned text. If no_commas is FALSE or omitted, then the returned text includes commas as usual.


The major difference between formatting a cell containing a number with the Cells command (Format menu) and formatting a number directly with the FIXED function is that FIXED converts its result to text. A number formatted with the Cells command is still a number.


FIXED(1234.567, 1) equals "1234.6"

FIXED(1234.567, -1) equals "1230"

FIXED(-1234.567, -1) equals "-1230"

FIXED(44.332) equals "44.33"