DeleteLines Method
Applies To
Module object.
The DeleteLines method deletes lines from a standard module or a class module.
object.DeleteLines startline, count
The DeleteLines method has the following arguments.
Argument | Description |
object | A Module object. |
startline | A Long value that specifies the number of the line from which to begin deleting. |
count | A Long value that specifies the number of lines to delete. |
Lines in a module are numbered beginning with one. To determine the number of lines in a module, use the CountOfLines property.
To replace one line with another line, use the ReplaceLine method.
See Also
ReplaceLine method.
The following example deletes a specified line from a module.
Function DeleteWholeLine(strModuleName, strText As String) As Boolean
Dim mdl As Module, lngNumLines As Long
Dim lngSLine As Long, lngSCol As Long
Dim lngELine As Long, lngECol As Long
Dim strTemp As String
On Error GoTo Error_DeleteWholeLine
DoCmd.OpenModule strModuleName
Set mdl = Modules(strModuleName)
If mdl.Find(strText, lngSLine, lngSCol, lngELine, lngECol) Then
lngNumLines = Abs(lngELine - lngSLine) + 1
strTemp = LTrim$(mdl.Lines(lngSLine, lngNumLines))
strTemp = RTrim$(strTemp)
If strTemp = strText Then
mdl.DeleteLines lngSLine, lngNumLines
MsgBox "Line contains text in addition to '" _
& strText & "'."
End If
MsgBox "Text '" & strText & "' not found."
End If
DeleteWholeLine = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & " :" & Err.Description
DeleteWholeLine = False
Resume Exit_DeleteWholeLine
End Function
You could call this function from a procedure such as the following, which searches the module Module1 for a constant declaration and deletes it.
Sub DeletePiConst()
If DeleteWholeLine("Module1", "Const conPi = 3.14") Then
Debug.Print "Constant declaration deleted successfully."
Debug.Print "Constant declaration not deleted."
End If
End Sub