DisplayWhen Property

Applies To

ActiveX control, Bound Object Frame control, Chart control, Check Box control, Combo Box control, Command Button control, Form section, Image control, Label control, Line control, List Box control, Option Button control, Option Group control, Rectangle control, Subform/Subreport control, Tab control, Text Box control, Toggle Button control, Unbound Object Frame control.


You can use the DisplayWhen property to specify which of a form's sections or controls you want displayed on screen and in print.

Note The DisplayWhen property applies only to the following form sections: detail, form header, and form footer. It also applies to all controls (except page breaks) on a form.


The DisplayWhen property uses the following settings.



Visual Basic


(Default) The object appears in Form view and when printed.


Print Only

The object is hidden in Form view but appears when printed.


Screen Only

The object appears in Form view but not when printed.


You can set this property by using the object's property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic.

For controls, you can set the default for this property by using the default control style or the DefaultControl method in Visual Basic.


In many cases, certain controls are useful only in Form view. To prevent Microsoft Access from printing these controls, you can set their DisplayWhen property to Screen Only. For example, you might have a command button or instructions on a form that you don't want printed. Or you might have form header and form footer sections that you don't want displayed on screen but that you do want printed. In this case, you should set the DisplayWhen property to Print Only.

Tip For reports, use the Format and Retreat events to specify an event procedure or macro that sets the Visible property of controls you don't want printed. You can also cancel the Format or Print event for a report section to prevent the section from being printed.

See Also

Enabled, Locked properties, Visible property.