FillColor Property

Applies To



You use the FillColor property to specify the color that fills in boxes and circles drawn on reports with the Line and Circle methods. You can also use this property with Visual Basic to create special visual effects on custom reports when you print using a color printer or preview the reports on a color monitor.


The FillColor property contains a numeric expression that specifies the fill color for all boxes and circles.

You can set this property only by using a macro or a Visual Basic event procedure specified by a section's OnPrint event property.

You can use the RGB or QBColor functions to set this property. The FillColor property setting has a data type of Long.

See Also

Circle method, DrawMode property, DrawStyle property, DrawWidth property, FillStyle property, Line method, PSet method, QBColor function, RGB function.


The following example uses the Circle method to draw a circle and create a pie slice within the circle. Then it uses the FillColor and FillStyle properties to color the pie slice red. It also draws a line from the upper left to the center of the circle.

To try this example in Microsoft Access, create a new report. Set the OnPrint property of the Detail section to [Event Procedure]. Enter the following code in the report's module, then switch to Print Preview.

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
    Const conPI = 3.14159265359

    Dim sngHCtr As Single, sngVCtr As Single, sngRadius As Single
    Dim sngStart As Single, sngEnd As Single

    sngHCtr = Me.ScaleWidth / 2           ' Horizontal center.
    sngVCtr = Me.ScaleHeight / 2           ' Vertical center.
    sngRadius = Me.ScaleHeight / 3           ' Circle radius.
    Me.Circle(sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius       ' Draw circle.
    sngStart = -0.00000001                   ' Start of pie slice.

sngEnd = -2 * conPI / 3                       ' End of pie slice.
    Me.FillColor = RGB(255,0,0)           ' Color pie slice red.
    Me.FillStyle = 0                           ' Fill pie slice.
    ' Draw Pie slice within circle
    Me.Circle(sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius, , sngStart, sngEnd

    ' Draw line to center of circle.
    Dim intColor As Integer
    Dim sngTop As Single, sngLeft As Single
    Dim sngWidth As Single, sngHeight As Single

    Me.ScaleMode = 3                           ' Set scale to pixels.
    sngTop = Me.ScaleTop                       ' Top inside edge.
    sngLeft = Me.ScaleLeft                   ' Left inside edge.
    sngWidth = Me.ScaleWidth / 2           ' Width inside edge.
    sngHeight = Me.ScaleHeight / 2           ' Height inside edge.
    intColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)               ' Make color red.

    ' Draw line.
    Me.Line (sngTop, sngLeft)-(sngWidth, sngHeight), intColor
End Sub