LogMessages Property

Applies To

QueryDef object, SQL-Specific query.


You can use the LogMessages property in an SQL pass-through query to specify whether messages returned from an SQL database are stored in a messages table in the current Microsoft Access database.

Note The LogMessages property applies only to pass-through queries.


The LogMessages property uses the following settings.



Visual Basic


Microsoft Access stores messages returned from the SQL database in a messages table.

True (–1)


(Default) Microsoft Access doesn't store messages returned from the SQL database.

False (0)

You can set this property by using the query's property sheet or Visual Basic.


The name of the messages table where the returned messages are stored is username - nn, where username is the logon name of the user running the pass-through query, and nn is an integer that increases in increments of 1, starting at 00. For example, if user JoanW sets the LogMessages property to Yes and receives messages from an SQL database, the messages table will be named JoanW - 00. If JoanW receives messages in another Microsoft Access session (and the first table hasn't been deleted), a new table named JoanW - 01 is created.

Note Error messages from SQL Server aren't stored in the messages table.

See Also

LogMessages property ("DAO Language Reference").