Add Method (AddIns Collection)

Applies To

AddIns collection object.


Adds a new add-in file to the list of add-ins. Returns an AddIn object.


expression.Add(Filename, CopyFile)

expression Required. An expression that returns an AddIns object.

Filename Required String. The name of the file that contains the add-in you want to add to the list in the add-in manager.

CopyFile Optional Variant. Ignored if the add-in file is on a hard disk. True to copy the add-in to your hard disk, if the add-in is on a removable medium (a floppy disk or compact disc). False to have the add-in remain on the removable medium. If this argument is omitted, Microsoft Excel displays a dialog box and asks you to choose.


This method doesn't install the new add-in. You must set the Installed property to install the add-in.

See Also

Installed property.


This example inserts the add-in Myaddin.xla from drive A. When you run this example, Microsoft Excel copies the file A:\Myaddin.xla to the Library folder on your hard disk and adds the add-in title to the list in the Add-Ins dialog box.

Set myAddIn = AddIns.Add(Filename:="A:\MYADDIN.XLA", _
MsgBox myAddIn.Title & " has been added to the list"
On the Macintosh, this example copies the add-in from the disk labeled "Add-In Disk" to the Macro Library folder.

Set myAddIn = AddIns.Add(Filename:="Add-In Disk:My Add-In", _
MsgBox myAddIn.Title & " has been added to the list"