Add Method (OLEObjects Collection)

Applies To

OLEObjects collection object.


Adds a new OLE object to a sheet. Returns an OLEObject object.


expression.Add(ClassType, FileName, Link, DisplayAsIcon, IconFileName, IconIndex, IconLabel, Left, Top, Width, Height)

expression Required. An expression that returns an OLEObjects collection.

ClassType Optional Variant (you must specify either ClassType or FileName). A string that contains the programmatic identifier for the object to be created. If ClassType is specified, FileName and Link are ignored.

FileName Optional Variant (you must specify either ClassType or FileName). A string that specifies the file to be used to create the OLE object.

Link Optional Variant. True to have the new OLE object based on FileName be linked to that file. If the object isn't linked, the object is created as a copy of the file. The default value is False.

DisplayAsIcon Optional Variant. True to display the new OLE object either as an icon or as its regular picture. If this argument is True, IconFileName and IconIndex can be used to specify an icon.

IconFileName Optional Variant. A string that specifies the file that contains the icon to be displayed. This argument is used only if DisplayAsIcon is True. If this argument isn't specified or the file contains no icons, the default icon for the OLE class is used.

IconIndex Optional Variant. The number of the icon in the icon file. This is used only if DisplayAsIcon is True and IconFileName refers to a valid file that contains icons. If an icon with the given index number doesn't exist in the file specified by IconFileName, the first icon in the file is used.

IconLabel Optional Variant. A string that specifies a label to display beneath the icon. This is used only if DisplayAsIcon is True. If this argument is omitted or is an empty string (" "), no caption is displayed.

Left, Top Optional Variant. The initial coordinates of the new object, in points, relative to the upper-left corner of cell A1 on a worksheet, or to the upper-left corner of a chart.

Width, Height Optional Variant. The initial size of the new object, in points.


This example creates a new Microsoft Word OLE object on Sheet1.

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects.Add _
This example adds a command button to sheet one.

Worksheets(1).OLEObjects.Add ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _
    Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Left:=40, Top:=40, _
    Width:=150, Height:=10