Application Property

Applies To

AddIn object, AddIns collection object, Adjustments object, Application object, Areas collection object, AutoCorrect object, Axes collection object, Axis object, AxisTitle object, Border object, Borders collection object, CalculatedFields collection object, CalculatedItems collection object, CalloutFormat object, Characters object, Chart object, ChartArea object, ChartColorFormat object, ChartFillFormat object, ChartGroup object, ChartGroups collection object, ChartObject object, ChartObjects collection object, Charts collection object, ChartTitle object, ColorFormat object, Comment object, Comments collection object, ConnectorFormat object, ControlFormat object, Corners object, CustomView object, CustomViews collection object, DataLabel object, DataLabels collection object, DataTable object, Dialog object, Dialogs collection object, DownBars object, DropLines object, ErrorBars object, FillFormat object, Floor object, Font object, FormatCondition object, FormatConditions collection object, FreeformBuilder object, Gridlines object, GroupShapes collection object, HiLoLines object, HPageBreak object, HPageBreaks collection object, Hyperlink object, Hyperlinks collection object, Interior object, LeaderLines object, Legend object, LegendEntries collection object, LegendEntry object, LegendKey object, LineFormat object, LinkFormat object, Mailer object, Name object, Names collection object, ODBCError object, ODBCErrors collection object, OLEFormat object, OLEObject object, OLEObjects collection object, Outline object, PageSetup object, Pane object, Panes collection object, Parameter object, Parameters collection object, Phonetic object, PictureFormat object, PivotCache object, PivotCaches collection object, PivotField object, PivotFields collection object, PivotFormula object, PivotFormulas collection object, PivotItem object, PivotItems collection object, PivotTable object, PivotTables collection object, PlotArea object, Point object, Points collection object, QueryTable object, QueryTables collection object, Range object, RecentFile object, RecentFiles collection object, RoutingSlip object, Scenario object, Scenarios collection object, Series object, SeriesCollection collection object, SeriesLines object, ShadowFormat object, Shape object, ShapeNode object, ShapeNodes collection object, ShapeRange collection object, Shapes collection object, Sheets collection object, SoundNote object, Style object, Styles collection object, TextEffectFormat object, TextFrame object, ThreeDFormat object, TickLabels object, Trendline object, Trendlines collection object, UpBars object, Validation object, VPageBreak object, VPageBreaks collection object, Walls object, Window object, Windows collection object, Workbook object, Workbooks collection object, Worksheet object, WorksheetFunction object, Worksheets collection object.


Used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application. Used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object (you can use this property with an OLE Automation object to return that object's application). Read-only.

See Also

Creator property.


This example displays a message about the application that created myObject.

Set myObject = ActiveWorkbook
If myObject.Application.Value = "Microsoft Excel" Then
    MsgBox "This is a Microsoft Excel object"
    MsgBox "This is not a Microsoft Excel object"
End If