HiLoLines Object


Represents the high-low lines in a chart group. High-low lines connect the highest point with the lowest point in every category in the chart group. Only 2-D line groups can have high-low lines. This object isn't a collection. There's no object that represents a single high-low line; you either have high-low lines turned on for all points in a chart group or you have them turned off.

Using the HiLoLines Object

Use the HiLoLines property to return the HiLoLines object. The following example uses the AutoFormat method to create a high-low-close stock chart in embedded chart one (the chart must contain three series) on worksheet one. The example then makes the high-low lines blue.

ActiveChart.AutoFormat gallery:=xlLine, format:=8
ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).HiLoLines.Border.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)

If the HasHiLoLines property is False, most properties of the HiLoLines object are disabled.


Application property, Border property, Creator property, Name property, Parent property.


Delete method, Select method.