SendMail Method

Applies To

Workbook object.


Sends the workbook by using the installed mail system.


expression.SendMail(Recipients, Subject, ReturnReceipt)

expression Required. An expression that returns a Workbook object.

Recipients Required Variant. Specifies the name of the recipient as text, or as an array of text strings if there are multiple recipients. At least one recipient must be specified, and all recipients are added as To recipients.

Subject Optional Variant. Specifies the subject of the message. If this argument is omitted, the document name is used.

ReturnReceipt Optional Variant. True to request a return receipt. False to not request a return receipt. The default value is False.


Use the SendMail method in Microsoft Mail (MAPI or Microsoft Mail for the Macintosh) e-mail systems. Pass addressing information as parameters.

Use the SendMailer method in PowerTalk e-mail systems on the Macintosh. The Mailer object contains the addressing information for PowerTalk.

See Also

Mailer object, MailSystem property, SendMailer method.


This example sends the active workbook to a single recipient.

ActiveWorkbook.SendMail recipients:="Jean Selva"