Add Method (CustomLabels Collection)

Applies To

CustomLabels collection object.


Adds a custom mailing label.


expression.Add(Name, DotMatrix)

expression Required. An expression that returns a CustomLabels object.

Name Required String. The name for the custom mailing labels.

DotMatrix Optional Variant. True to have the mailing labels printed on a dot-matrix printer.

See Also

CreateNewDocument method.


This example adds a custom mailing label named "My Label," sets the page size, and then creates a page of these labels.

Set ml = Application.MailingLabel.CustomLabels.Add(Name:="My Label", _
ml.PageSize = wdCustomLabelLetter
addr = "Dave Edson" & vbCr & "123 Skye St." & vbCr & "Our Town, WA  98004"
Application.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument Name:="My Label", Address:=addr, ExtractAddress:=False