Add Method (FirstLetterExceptions and TwoInitialCapsExceptions Collections)

Applies To

FirstLetterExceptions collection object, TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection object.


Adds a new exception to the list of AutoCorrect exceptions.



expression Required. An expression that returns a FirstLetterExceptions or TwoInitialCapsExceptions object.

Name Required String. Either the word with two initial caps that you want Word to overlook or the abbreviation that you don't want Word to follow with a capital letter.


If the TwoInitialCapsAutoAdd property is True, words are automatically added to the list of initial-capital exceptions. If the FirstLetterAutoAdd property is True, abbreviations are automatically added to the list of first-letter exceptions.

See Also

FirstLetterAutoAdd property, FirstLetterExceptions property, TwoInitialCapsAutoAdd property, TwoInitialCapsExceptions property.


This example adds the abbreviation "addr." to the list of first-letter exceptions.

AutoCorrect.FirstLetterExceptions.Add Name:="addr."
This example adds "Msoffice" to the list of initial-capital exceptions.

AutoCorrect.TwoInitialCapsExceptions.Add Name:= "MSoffice"