Borders Collection Object


A collection of Border objects that represent the borders of an object.

Using the Borders Collection

Use the Borders property to return the Borders collection. The following example applies the default border around the first paragraph in the active document.

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Borders.Enable = True
Border objects cannot be added to the Borders collection. The number of members in the Borders collection is finite and varies depending on the type of object. For example, a table has six elements in the Borders collection, whereas a paragraph has four.

Use Borders(index), where index identifies the border, to return a single Border object. Index can be one of the following WdBorderType constants: wdBorderBottom, wdBorderHorizontal, wdBorderLeft, wdBorderRight, wdBorderTop, or wdBorderVertical. (The constants wdBorderDiagonalDown and wdBorderDiagonalUp aren't used in U.S. English Word.) Use the LineStyle property to apply a border line to a Border object. The following example applies a double-line border below the first paragraph in the active document.

With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Borders(wdBorderBottom)
    .LineStyle = wdLineStyleDouble
    .LineWidth = wdLineWidth025pt
End With
The following example applies a single-line border around the first character in the selection.

With Selection.Characters(1)
    .Font.Size = 36
    .Borders.Enable = True
End With
The following example adds an art border around each page in the first section.

For Each aBorder In ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Borders
    With aBorder
        .ArtStyle = wdArtSeattle
        .ArtWidth = 20
    End With
Next aBorder

AlwaysInFront property, Application property, Count property, Creator property, DistanceFrom property, DistanceFromBottom property, DistanceFromLeft property, DistanceFromRight property, DistanceFromTop property, Enable property, EnableFirstPageInSection property, EnableOtherPagesInSection property, HasHorizontal property, HasVertical property, InsideColorIndex property, InsideLineStyle property, InsideLineWidth property, JoinBorders property, OutsideColorIndex property, OutsideLineStyle property, OutsideLineWidth property, Parent property, Shadow property, SurroundFooter property, SurroundHeader property.


ApplyPageBordersToAllSections method, Item method.

See Also

Shading object.