CanOpen Property

Applies To

FileConverter object.


True if the specified file converter is designed to open files. Read-only Boolean.

Note The CanSave property returns True if the specified file converter can be used to save (export) files.

See Also

CanSave property, OpenFormat property.


This example determines whether the first file converter is able to open files.

If FileConverters(1).CanOpen = True Then
    MsgBox FileConverters(1).FormatName & " can open files"
End If
This example determines whether the WordPerfect6x file converter can be used to open files. If the CanOpen property returns True, a document named "Test.wp" is opened.

If FileConverters("WordPerfect6x").CanOpen = True Then
    Documents.Open FileName:="C:\Test.wp", Format:=FileConverters("WordPerfect6x").OpenFormat
End If