Hidden Property

Applies To

Font object.


True if the font is formatted as hidden text. Returns True, False or wdUndefined (a mixture of True and False). Can be set to True, False, or wdToggle. Read/write Long.


To control the display of hidden text, use the ShowHiddenText property of the View object.

To control whether properties and methods that return Range objects include or exclude hidden text when hidden text isn't displayed, use the IncludeHiddenText property of the TextRetrievalMode object.

See Also

Font property, FormattedText property, IncludeHiddenText property, ShowHiddenText property.


This example inserts text and formats the password number as hidden text.

Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
With Selection.Range
    .InsertAfter "Smith account password: 8116"
    .Words(5).Font.Hidden = True
End With
This example checks the selection for hidden text.

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then
    If Selection.Font.Hidden = wdUndefined or _
            Selection.Font.Hidden = True Then
        MsgBox "There's hidden text in the selection."
        MsgBox "No hidden text in the selection."
    End If
    MsgBox "You need to select some text."
End If
This example makes all hidden text in the active window visible and then formats the selection as hidden text.

ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = True
If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then Selection.Font.Hidden = True