Installed Property

Applies To

AddIn object.


True if the specified add-in is installed (loaded). Add-ins that are loaded are selected in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box (Tools menu). Read/write Boolean.

Note Uninstalled add-ins are included in the AddIns collection. To remove a template or WLL from the AddIns collection, apply the Delete method to the AddIn object (the add-in name is removed from the Templates and Add-ins dialog box). To unload all templates and WLLs, apply the Unload method to the AddIns collection.

See Also

Autoload property, Delete method, Unload method.


This example unloads the global template named ""

Addins("").Installed = False
This example loads FindAll.wll.

Addins("C:\Templates\FindAll.wll").Installed = True
This example loads

AddIns("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\").Installed = True
This example displays a message on the status bar if is loaded as a global template.

If AddIns("").Installed = True Then StatusBar = " is loaded"