KeyString Property

Applies To

KeyBinding object.


Returns the key combination string for the specified keys (for example, CTRL+SHIFT+A). Read-only String.

See Also

KeyCode property, KeyCode2 property, KeyString method.


This example displays the key combination string for the first customized key combination in the Normal template.

CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
If KeyBindings.Count >= 1 Then
    MsgBox KeyBindings(1).KeyString
End If
This example displays a message if the KeyBindings collection includes the ALT+CTRL+W key combination.

CustomizationContext = NormalTemplate
aCode = BuildKeyCode(wdKeyAlt, wdKeyControl, wdKeyW)
For Each aKey In KeyBindings
    If aCode = aKey.KeyCode Then 
        MsgBox aKey.KeyString & " is already in use"
    End If
Next aKey