PresetThreeDFormat Property

Applies To

ThreeDFormat object.


Returns the preset extrusion format. Each preset extrusion format contains a set of preset values for the various properties of the extrusion. If the extrusion has a custom format rather than a preset format, this property returns msoPresetThreeDFormatMixed. Can be one of the following MsoPresetThreeDFormat constants: msoPresetThreeDFormatMixed, msoThreeD1, msoThreeD10, msoThreeD11, msoThreeD12, msoThreeD13, msoThreeD14, msoThreeD15, msoThreeD16, msoThreeD17, msoThreeD18, msoThreeD19, msoThreeD2, msoThreeD20, msoThreeD3, msoThreeD4, msoThreeD5, msoThreeD6, msoThreeD7, msoThreeD8, or msoThreeD9. The values for this property correspond to the options (numbered from left to right, top to bottom) displayed when you click the 3-D button on the Drawing toolbar. Read-only Long.


This property is read-only. To set the preset extrusion format, use the SetThreeDFormat method.


This example sets the extrusion format for shape one on myDocument to 3D Style 12 if the shape initially has a custom extrusion format.

Set myDocument = ActiveDocument
With myDocument.Shapes(1).ThreeD
    If .PresetThreeDFormat = msoPresetThreeDFormatMixed Then
        .SetThreeDFormat msoThreeD12
    End If
End With