Reset Method

Applies To

Font object, InlineShape object, ListGallery object, Paragraph object, ParagraphFormat object, Paragraphs collection object, RoutingSlip object.


Font object: Removes manual character formatting (formatting not applied using a style). For example, if you manually format a word as bold and the underlying style is plain text (not bold), the Reset method removes the bold format.

Paragraph, Paragraphs, or ParagraphFormat object: Removes manual paragraph formatting (formatting not applied using a style). For example, if you manually right align a paragraph and the underlying style has a different alignment, the Reset method changes the alignment to match the formatting of the underlying style.

RoutingSlip object: Resets the routing slip so that a new routing can be initiated with the same recipient list and delivery information. The routing must be completed before you use this method.

InlineShape object: Removes changes that were made to an inline shape.

ListGallery object: Resets the list template specified by Index for the specified list gallery to the built-in list template format.

Syntax 1


Syntax 2


expression Syntax 1: Required. An expression that returns a Font, RoutingSlip, InlineShape, Paragraph, Paragraphs, or ParagraphFormat object.

Syntax 2: Required. An expression that returns a ListGallery object.

Index Required Long. A number from 1 through 7, corresponding to a format in the specified list gallery. Skipping the None option, the formats are numbered from left to right, starting with the top row.

See Also

Font object, HasRoutingSlip property, ParagraphFormat object.


This example removes manual formatting from the selection.

This example removes manual paragraph formatting from the second paragraph in the active document.

This example prepares the active document to be rerouted to the same recipients as in the previous routing settings.

If ActiveDocument.HasRoutingSlip = True Then
End If
This example inserts a picture as an inline shape, changes the brightness, and then resets the picture to its original brightness.

Set aInLine = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture _
    (FileName:="C:\Windows\Bubbles.bmp", Range:=Selection.Range)
aInLine.PictureFormat.Brightness = 0.5
MsgBox "Changing brightness back"
This example sets the fourth format listed on the Numbered tab in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box back to the built-in numbering format, and then it applies the list template to the selection.

Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate _
This example resets all the list templates in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box back to the built-in formats.

For Each lg In ListGalleries
    For i = 1 to 7
        lg.Reset Index:=i
    Next i
Next lg