Shadow Property

Applies To

Borders collection object, Font object, Shape object, ShapeRange collection object.


Font object: True if the specified font is formatted as shadowed. Can be True, False, or wdUndefined. Read/write Long.

Borders object: True if the specified border is formatted as shadowed. Read/write Boolean.

Shape and ShapeRange objects: Returns a ShadowFormat object that represents the shadow formatting for the specified shape. Read-only Long.

See Also

Borders property, Font property, FormattedText property, Outline property, ShadowFormat object.


This example demonstrates two different border styles in a new document.

Set myRange = Documents.Add.Content
With myRange
    .InsertAfter "Demonstration of border with shadow. "
    .InsertAfter "Demonstration of border without shadow."
End With
With ActiveDocument
    .Paragraphs(1).Borders.Shadow = True
    .Paragraphs(3).Borders.Enable = True
End With
This example applies shadow and bold formatting to the selection.

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then
    With Selection.Font
        .Shadow = True
        .Bold = True
    End With
    MsgBox "You need to select some text."
End If
This example adds an arrow with shadow formatting to the active document.

Set myShape = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeRightArrow, _
    Left:=90, Top:=79, Width:=64, Height:=43)
myShape.Shadow.Type = msoShadow5