View Object


Contains the view attributes (show all, field shading, table gridlines, and so on) for a window or pane.

Using the View Object

Use the View property to return the View object. The following example sets view options for the active window.

With ActiveWindow.View
    .ShowAll = True
    .TableGridlines = True
    .WrapToWindow = False
End With

Use the Type property to change the view. The following example switches the active window to normal view.

ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdNormalView
Use the Percentage property to change the size of the text on-screen. The following example enlarges the on-screen text to 120 percent.

ActiveWindow.View.Zoom.Percentage = 120
Use the SeekView property to view comments, endnotes, footnotes, or the document header or footer. The following example displays the current footer in the active window in page layout view.

With ActiveWindow.View
    .Type = wdPageView
    .SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageFooter
End With

Application property, BrowseToWindow property, Creator property, Draft property, EnlargeFontsLessThan property, FieldShading property, FullScreen property, Magnifier property, MailMergeDataView property, Parent property, SeekView property, ShowAll property, ShowAnimation property, ShowBookmarks property, ShowDrawings property, ShowFieldCodes property, ShowFirstLineOnly property, ShowFormat property, ShowHiddenText property, ShowHighlight property, ShowHyphens property, ShowMainTextLayer property, ShowObjectAnchors property, ShowParagraphs property, ShowPicturePlaceHolders property, ShowSpaces property, ShowTabs property, ShowTextBoundaries property, SplitSpecial property, TableGridlines property, Type property, WrapToWindow property, Zoom property.


CollapseOutline method, ExpandOutline method, NextHeaderFooter method, PreviousHeaderFooter method, ShowAllHeadings method, ShowHeading method.

See Also

Zooms collection object.