If you set the Action property to this value | Use this property | To do this | |
ppActionHyperlink | Hyperlink | Set properties for the hyperlink that will be followed in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show. | |
ppActionRunProgram | Run | Return or set the name of the program to run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show. | |
ppActionRunMacro | Run | Return or set the name of the macro to run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show. | |
ppActionOLEVerb | ActionVerb | Set the OLE verb that will be invoked in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show. | |
ppActionNamedSlideShow | SlideShowName | Set the name of the custom slide show that will run in response to a mouse action on the shape during a slide show. |
With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(3).ActionSettings(ppMouseOver)
.ActionVerb = "Play"
.Action = ppActionOLEVerb
End With