Add Method (TabStops Collection Object)

Applies To

TabStops collection object.


Adds a tab stop to the ruler for the specified text. Returns a TabStop object that represents the new tab stop.


expression.Add(Type, Position)

expression Required. An expression that returns a TabStops collection.

Type Required Long. Specifies the way text will be aligned with the new tab stop. Can be one of the following PpTabStopType constants: ppTabStopCenter, ppTabStopDecimal, ppTabStopLeft, or ppTabStopRight.

Position Required Single. The position of the new tab stop, in points.


This example sets a left-aligned tab stop at 2 inches (144 points) for the text in shape two on slide one in the active presentation.

Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame _
    .Ruler.TabStops.Add ppTabStopLeft, 144