PlaySettings Object


Contains information about how the specified media clip will be played during a slide show.

Using the PlaySettings Object

Use the PlaySettings property to return the PlaySettings object. The following example inserts a movie named "Clock.avi" into slide one in the active presentation, sets it to be played automatically after the previous animation or slide transition, specifies that the slide show continue while the movie plays, and specifies that the movie object be hidden during a slide show except when it's playing.

Set clockMovie = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddMediaObject _
    FileName:="C:\WINNT\clock.avi", Left:=20, Top:=20
With clockMovie.AnimationSettings.PlaySettings
    .PlayOnEntry = True
    .PauseAnimation = False
    .HideWhileNotPlaying = True
End With

ActionVerb property, Application property, HideWhileNotPlaying property, LoopUntilStopped property, Parent property, PauseAnimation property, PlayOnEntry property, RewindMovie property, StopAfterSlides property.

See Also

ActionSettings collection object, AnimationSettings object.