SaveAs Method

Applies To

AppointmentItem object, ContactItem object, JournalItem object, MailItem object, MeetingRequestItem object, NoteItem object, PostItem object, RemoteItem object, ReportItem object, TaskItem object, TaskRequestItem object.


Saves the Outlook item to the specified path and in the format of the specified file type. If the file type is not specified, the MSG format is used.


expression.SaveAs(Path, Type)

expression An expression that returns an Outlook item object.

Path Required String. The path on which to save the item.

Type Optional Variant. The file type to save. Can be one of the following OlSaveAsType constants: olDoc, olMSG, olRTF, olTemplate, or olTXT.


This example saves the currently open item as a text file in the My Documents folder, using the subject as the file name.

Set myItem = myOlApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
myItem.SaveAs "C:\My Doc    uments\" & myItem.Subject & _
    ".txt", olTXT