Format Function — User-Defined String Formats


You can use any of the following characters to create a format expression for strings:




Character placeholder. Display a character or a space. If the string has a character in the position where the at symbol (@) appears in the format string, display it; otherwise, display a space in that position. Placeholders are filled from right to left unless there is an exclamation point character (!) in the format string.


Character placeholder. Display a character or nothing. If the string has a character in the position where the ampersand (&) appears, display it; otherwise, display nothing. Placeholders are filled from right to left unless there is an exclamation point character (!) in the format string.


Force lowercase. Display all characters in lowercase format.


Force uppercase. Display all characters in uppercase format.


Force left to right fill of placeholders. The default is to fill placeholders from right to left.

See Also

Format function, Format function — different formats for different string values, Format function — user-defined date/time formats, Format function — user-defined numeric formats.