Print Method

Applies To

Debug object.


Prints text in the Immediate pane of the Debug window.


object.Print [outputlist]

The Print method syntax has the following object qualifier and part.




Optional. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


Optional. Expression or list of expressions to print. If omitted, a blank line is printed.

The outputlist argument has the following syntax and parts.

{Spc(n) | Tab(n)} expression charpos




Optional. Used to insert space characters in the output, where n is the number of space characters to insert.


Optional. Used to position the insertion point at an absolute column number where n is the column number. Use Tab with no argument to position the insertion point at the beginning of the next print zone.


Optional. Numeric expression or string expression to print.


Optional. Specifies the insertion point for the next character. Use a semicolon (;) to position the insertion point immediately following the last character displayed. Use Tab(n) to position the insertion point at an absolute column number. Use Tab with no argument to position the insertion point at the beginning of the next print zone. If charpos is omitted, the next character is printed on the next line.


Multiple expressions can be separated with either a space or a semicolon.

All data printed to the Immediate window is properly formatted using the decimal separator for the locale settings specified for your system. The keywords are output in the appropriate language for the host application.

For Boolean data, either True or False is printed. The True and False keywords are translated according to the locale setting for the host application.

Date data is written using the standard short date format recognized by your system. When either the date or the time component is missing or zero, only the data provided is written.

Nothing is written if outputlist data is Empty. However, if outputlist data is Null, Null is output. The Null keyword is appropriately translated when it is output.

For error data, the output is written as Error errorcode. The Error keyword is appropriately translated when it is output.

The object is required if the method is used outside a module having a default display space. For example an error occurs if the method is called in a standard module without specifying an object, but if called in a form module, outputlist is displayed on the form.

Note   Because the Print method typically prints with proportionally-spaced characters, there is no correlation between the number of characters printed and the number of fixed-width columns those characters occupy. For example, a wide letter, such as a "W", occupies more than one fixed-width column, and a narrow letter, such as an "i", occupies less. To allow for cases where wider than average characters are used, your tabular columns must be positioned far enough apart. Alternatively, you can print using a fixed-pitch font (such as Courier) to ensure that each character uses only one column.

See Also

Print # statement, Spc function, Tab function.

Specifics (Microsoft Access)

The Visual Basic Print method applies only to the Debug object in Microsoft Access, never to a Form object. The Debug object is required when you use the Print method in Microsoft Access.

Don't confuse the Visual Basic Print method with the Microsoft Access Print method, which applies only to a Report object.


Using the Print method, this example displays the value of the variable MyVar in the Immediate pane of the Debug window. Note that the Print method only applies to objects that can display text.

Dim MyVar
MyVar = "Come see me in the Immediate pane."
Debug.Print MyVar