Assistant Object
Represents the Microsoft Office Assistant.
Using the Assistant Object
Use the Assistant property to return the Assistant object. There's no collection for the Assistant object; only one Assistant object can be active at a time. Use the Visible property to display the Assistant.
The default Assistant is Clippit. To select a different Assistant programatically, use the FileName property.
The following example displays a previously selected Assistant and animates it with the associated sound. If your computer doesn't have a sound card installed, this example won't generate an error, but the sound won't be heard.
With Assistant
.Visible = True
.Sounds = True
.Animation = msoAnimationBeginSpeaking
End With
Animation property, Application property, AssistWithAlerts property, AssistWithHelp property, AssistWithWizards property, BalloonError property, Creator property, FeatureTips property, FileName property, GuessHelp property, HighPriorityTips property, Item property (Assistant, BalloonLabel, and BalloonCheckbox objects), KeyboardShortcutTips property, Left property, MouseTips property, MoveWhenInTheWay property, Name property, NewBalloon property, Parent property, Reduced property, SearchWhenProgramming property, Sounds property, TipOfDay property, Top property, Visible property.
ActivateWizard method, EndWizard method, Help method, Move method, ResetTips method, StartWizard method.
Example (Microsoft Access)
The following function creates a custom balloon for the Office Assistant and determines how the user responded to the balloon:
Function AssistantBalloon(Optional varCheck As Variant, _
Optional varLabel As Variant)
Dim bch As BalloonCheckbox
Dim intI As Integer
Dim intReturn As Integer
Dim strCheck(5) As String
Dim strList As String
' Create new balloon.
Set bal = Assistant.NewBalloon
' Specify balloon type.
bal.BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons
' Specify that balloon is modal.
bal.Mode = msoModeModal
' Make Assistant visible.
If Assistant.Visible = False Then Assistant.Visible = True
' Check if first argument has been passed.
If Not IsMissing(varCheck) Then
' If too large, set to maximum number of check boxes (5).
If varCheck > 6 Then
varCheck = 5
End If
' Set text property to alphabet character.
For intI = 1 To varCheck
bal.Checkboxes(intI).Text = Chr(64 + intI)
Next intI
End If
If Not IsMissing(varLabel) Then
' If too large, set to maximum number of labels (5).
If varLabel > 6 Then
varLabel = 5
End If
For intI = 1 To varLabel
' Set text property to alphabet character.
bal.Labels(intI).Text = Chr(64 + intI)
Next intI
End If
' Store return value.
intReturn = bal.Show
intI = 0
' Determine which check boxes were checked, if any.
For Each bch In bal.Checkboxes
If bch.Checked = True Then
strCheck(intI) = bch.Text
strList = strList & "'" & strCheck(intI) & "'" & Chr(32)
End If
intI = intI + 1
If Len(strList) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "You selected checkboxes " & strList & "."
End If
' Determine which label was selected, if any.
If intReturn > 0 Then
MsgBox "You selected label " & bal.Labels(intReturn).Text & "."
End If
End Function
You could call this function from the Debug window as follows:
? AssistantBalloon(4, 5)