CommandBarControls Collection Object


A collection of CommandBarControl objects that represent the command bar controls on a command bar.

Using the CommandBarControls Collection

Use the Controls property to return the CommandBarControls collection. The following example changes the caption of every control on the toolbar named "Standard" to the current value of the Id property for that control.

For Each ctl In CommandBars("Standard").Controls
    ctl.Caption = CStr(ctl.Id)
Next ctl
Use the Add method to add a new command bar control to the CommandBarControls collection. This example adds a new, blank button to the command bar named "Custom."

Set myBlankBtn = CommandBars("Custom").Controls.Add
Use Controls(index), where index is the caption or index number of a control, to return a CommandBarControl, CommandBarButton, CommandBarComboBox, or CommandBarPopup object. The following example copies the first control from the command bar named "Standard" to the command bar named "Custom."

Set myCustomBar = CommandBars("Custom")
Set myControl = CommandBars("Standard").Controls(1)
myControl.Copy Bar:=myCustomBar, Before:=1

Application property, Count property, Creator property, Item property (CommandBars and CommandBarControls collections), Parent property.


Add method (CommandBarControls collection).

Specifics (Microsoft Access)

Although most Access collections are zero-based, all command bar collections are 1-based. Note, however, that you can use the For Each...Next syntax to iterate through the objects in a collection without having to worry about specific index numbers.