DropDownWidth Property

Applies To

CommandBarComboBox object.


Returns or sets the width (in pixels) of the list for the specified command bar combo box control. Read/write Long.

Note If this property is set for a built-in combo box control, an error occurs.


If this property is set to ––, the width of the list is based on the length of the longest item in the combo box list. If this property is set to 0, the width of the list is based on the width of the control.

See Also

Add method (CommandBarControls collection), AddItem method, Clear method, DropDownLines property.


This example adds a combo box control to the command bar named "Custom" and then adds two items to the combo box list. The example also sets the number of line items, the width of the combo box, and an empty default for the combo box.

Set myBar = CommandBars("Custom")
Set myControl = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Id:=1)
With myControl
    .AddItem "First Item", 1
    .AddItem "Second Item", 2
    .DropDownLines = 3
    .DropDownWidth = 75
    .ListHeaderCount = 0
End With