Heading Property

Applies To

Balloon object.


Returns or sets the heading that appears in the Office Assistant balloon. Read/write String.


You can specify a graphic to display by using the following syntax: {type location sizing_factor}, where type is bmp (bitmap), wmf (Windows metafile), or pict (Macintosh PICT file); location is the resource id or the path and file name; and sizing_factor specifies the width of the wmf or pict (omitted for bmp).

See Also

Show method, Text property.


This example creates a balloon with a heading, text, and three region choices, and then displays it.

With Assistant.NewBalloon
    .Button = msoButtonSetOkCancel
    .Heading = "Regional Sales Data"
    .Text = "Select a region"
    For i = 1 To 3
        .CheckBoxes(i).Text = "Region " & i
End With