Font Object

Applies To

CheckBox control, ComboBox control, CommandButton control, Frame control, Label control, ListBox control, MultiPage control, OptionButton control, TabStrip control, TextBox control, ToggleButton control.


Defines the characteristics of the text used by a control or form.


Each control or form has its own Font object to let you set its text characteristics independently of the characteristics defined for other controls and forms. Use font properties to specify the font name, to set bold or underlined text, or to adjust the size of the text.

Note The font properties of your form or container determine the default font attributes of controls you put on the form.

The default property for the Font object is the Name property. If the Name property contains a null string, the Font object uses the default system font.


Bold, Italic, Size, StrikeThrough, Underline, Weight properties, Name property.


The following example demonstrates a Font object and the Bold, Italic, Size, StrikeThrough, Underline, and Weight properties related to fonts. You can manipulate font properties of an object directly or by using an alias, as this example also shows.

To use this example, copy this sample code to the Declarations portion of a form. Make sure that the form contains:

  • A Label named Label1.
  • Four ToggleButton controls named ToggleButton1 through ToggleButton4.
  • A second Label and a TextBox named Label2 and TextBox1.
    Dim MyFont As StdFont
    Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
        If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
            MyFont.Bold = True            'Using MyFont alias to control font
            ToggleButton1.Caption = "Bold On"
            MyFont.Size = 22              'Increase the font size
            MyFont.Bold = False
            ToggleButton1.Caption = "Bold Off"
            MyFont.Size = 8               'Return font size to initial size
        End If
        TextBox1.Text = Str(MyFont.Weight)  'Bold and Weight are related
    End Sub
    Private Sub ToggleButton2_Click()
        If ToggleButton2.Value = True Then
            Label1.Font.Italic = True            'Using Label1.Font directly
            ToggleButton2.Caption = "Italic On"
            Label1.Font.Italic = False
            ToggleButton2.Caption = "Italic Off"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ToggleButton3_Click()
        If ToggleButton3.Value = True Then
            Label1.Font.Strikethrough = True     'Using Label1.Font directly
            ToggleButton3.Caption = "StrikeThrough On"
            Label1.Font.Strikethrough = False
            ToggleButton3.Caption = "StrikeThrough Off"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ToggleButton4_Click()
        If ToggleButton4.Value = True Then
            MyFont.Underline = True     'Using MyFont alias for Label1.Font
            ToggleButton4.Caption = "Underline On"
            Label1.Font.Underline = False
            ToggleButton4.Caption = "Underline Off"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Set MyFont = Label1.Font
        ToggleButton1.Value = True
        ToggleButton1.Caption = "Bold On"
        Label1.AutoSize = True        'Set size of Label1
        Label1.AutoSize = False
        ToggleButton2.Value = False
        ToggleButton2.Caption = "Italic Off"
        ToggleButton3.Value = False
        ToggleButton3.Caption = "StrikeThrough Off"
        ToggleButton4.Value = False
        ToggleButton4.Caption = "Underline Off"
        Label2.Caption = "Font Weight"
        TextBox1.Text = Str(Label1.Font.Weight)
        TextBox1.Enabled = False
    End Sub