HideSelection Property

Applies To

ComboBox control, TextBox control.


Specifies whether selected text remains highlighted when a control does not have the focus.


object.HideSelection [= Boolean]

The HideSelection property syntax has these parts:




Required. A valid object.


Optional. Whether the selected text remains highlighted even when the control does not have the focus.


The settings for Boolean are:




Selected text is not highlighted unless the control has the focus (default).


Selected text always appears highlighted.


You can use the HideSelection property to maintain highlighted text when another form or a dialog box receives the focus, such as in a spell-checking procedure.

See Also

EnterFieldBehavior property.


The following example demonstrates the HideSelection property in the context of either a single form or more than one form. The user can select text in a TextBox and TAB to other controls on a form, as well as transfer the focus to a second form. This code sample also uses the SetFocus method, and the EnterFieldBehavior, MultiLine, and Value properties.

To use this example, follow these steps:

  1. Copy this sample code (except for the last event subroutine) to the Declarations portion of a form.
  2. Add a large TextBox named TextBox1, a ToggleButton named ToggleButton1, and a CommandButton named CommandButton1.
  3. Insert a second form into this project named UserForm2.
  4. Paste the last event subroutine of this listing into the Declarations section of UserForm2.
  5. In this form, add a CommandButton named CommandButton1.
  6. Run UserForm1.
' ***** Code for UserForm1 *****

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    UserForm2.Show                             'Bring up the second form.
End Sub

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
    If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
        TextBox1.HideSelection = False
        ToggleButton1.Caption = "Selection Visible"
        TextBox1.HideSelection = True
        ToggleButton1.Caption = "Selection Hidden"
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    TextBox1.MultiLine = True
    TextBox1.EnterFieldBehavior = fmEnterFieldBehaviorRecallSelection
'Fill the TextBox
    TextBox1.Text = "SelText indicates the starting point of selected " _
        & "text, or the insertion point if no text is selected." _
        & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & "The SelStart property is always valid, " _
        & "even when the control does not have focus. Setting SelStart " _
        & "to a value less than zero creates an error. " _
        & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & "Changing the value of SelStart cancels " _
        & "any existing selection in the control, places an insertion " _
        & "point in the text, and sets the SelLength property to zero."

    TextBox1.HideSelection = True
    ToggleButton1.Caption = "Selection Hidden"
    ToggleButton1.Value = False

End Sub
' ***** Code for UserForm2 *****

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub