MinorUnitScale Property

Applies To

Axis object.


Returns or sets the minor unit scale value for the category axis when the CategoryType property is set to xlTimeScale. Can be one of the following XlTimeUnit constants: xlDays, xlMonths, or xlYears. Read/write Long.

See Also

BaseUnit property, MajorUnit property, MajorUnitIsAuto property, MajorUnitScale property, MinorUnit property, MinorUnitIsAuto property.


This example sets the category axis to use a time scale and sets the major and minor units.

With myChart.Axes(xlCategory)
    .CategoryType = xlTimeScale
    .MajorUnit = 5
    .MajorUnitScale = xlDays
    .MinorUnit = 1
    .MinorUnitScale = xlDays
End With