Orientation Property

Applies To

AxisTitle object, ChartTitle object, DataLabel object, DataLabels collection object, TickLabels object.


Returns or sets the object's orientation, as shown in the following table. Read/write Long.



AxisTitle, ChartTitle, DataLabel, Range, Style, TextFrame

The text orientation. Can be an integer value from –90 to 90 degrees or one of the following XlOrientation constants: xlDownward, xlHorizontal, xlUpward, or xlVertical.


The text orientation. Can be an integer value from –90 to 90 degrees or one of the following XlTickLabelOrientation constants: xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic, xlTickLabelOrientationDownward, xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal, xlTickLabelOrientationUpward, or xlTickLabelOrientationVertical.


This example sets the orientation for the chart title.

myChart.ChartTitle.Orientation = xlHorizontal