Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | dyHeight | 2 | Height of the font (in units of 1/20th of a point). |
6 | grbit | 2 | Font attributes (see the following table). |
8 | icv | 2 | Index to the color palette. |
10 | bls | 2 | Bold style; a number from 100dec to 1000dec (64h to 3E8h) that indicates the character weight ("boldness"). The default values are 190h for normal text and 2BCh for bold text. |
12 | sss | 2 | Superscript/subscript: 00h = None 01h = Superscript 02h = Subscript |
14 | uls | 1 | Underline style: 00h = None 01h = Single 02h = Double 21h = Single Accounting 22h = Double Accounting |
15 | bFamily | 1 | Font family, as defined by the Windows API LOGFONT structure. |
16 | bCharSet | 1 | Character set, as defined by the Windows API LOGFONT structure. |
17 | (Reserved) | 1 | Reserved; must be 0 (zero). |
18 | cch | 1 | Length of the font name. |
19 | rgch | var | Font name. |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
0 | 0 | 01h | (Reserved) | Reserved; must be 0 (zero) |
1 | 02h | fItalic | = 1 if the font is italic | |
2 | 04h | (Reserved) | Reserved; must be 0 (zero) | |
0 | 3 | 08h | fStrikeout | = 1 if the font is struck out |
4 | 10h | fOutline | = 1 if the font is outline style (Macintosh only) | |
5 | 20h | fShadow | = 1 if the font is shadow style (Macintosh only) | |
7 – 6 | C0h | (Reserved) | Reserved; must be 0 (zero) | |
1 | 7 – 0 | FFh | (Unused) |