Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | iPaperSize | 2 | Paper size (see fNoPls in the following table) |
6 | iScale | 2 | Scaling factor (see fNoPls in the following table) |
8 | iPageStart | 2 | Starting page number |
10 | iFitWidth | 2 | Fit to width; number of pages |
12 | iFitHeight | 2 | Fit to height; number of pages |
14 | grbit | 2 | Option flags (see the following table) |
16 | iRes | 2 | Print resolution (see fNoPls in the following table) |
18 | iVRes | 2 | Vertical print resolution (see fNoPls in the following table) |
20 | numHdr | 8 | Header margin (IEEE number) |
28 | numFtr | 8 | Footer margin (IEEE number) |
36 | iCopies | 2 | Number of copies (see fNoPls in the following table) |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
0 | 0 | 01h | fLeftToRight | Print over, and then down. |
1 | 02h | fLandscape | = 0, Landscape mode = 1, Portrait mode (see fNoPls below). | |
2 | 04h | fNoPls | = 1, then the iPaperSize, iScale, iRes, iVRes, iCopies, and fLandscape data have not been obtained from the printer, so they are not valid. | |
3 | 08h | fNoColor | = 1, print black and white. | |
4 | 10h | fDraft | = 1, print draft quality. | |
5 | 20h | fNotes | = 1, print notes. | |
6 | 40h | fNoOrient | = 1, orientation not set. | |
7 | 80h | fUsePage | = 1, use custom starting page number instead of Auto. | |
1 | 7–0 | FFh | (Unused) |