Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | isxvdData | 2 | Field that this data item is based on. |
6 | iiftab | 2 | Index to the aggregation function: = 00h, Sum = 01h, Count = 02h, Average = 03h, Max = 04h, Min = 05h, Product = 06h, Count Nums = 07h, StdDev = 08h, StdDevp = 09h, Var = 0Ah, Varp |
8 | df | 2 | Data display format: = 00h, Normal = 01h, Difference from = 02h, Percentage of = 03h, Percentage difference from = 04h, Running total in = 05h, Percentage of row = 06h, Percentage of column = 07h, Percentage of total = 08h, Index |
10 | isxvd | 2 | Index to the SXVD record used by the data display format. |
12 | isxvi | 2 | Index to the SXVI record used by the data display format. |
14 | ifmt | 2 | Index to the format table for this item. |
16 | cchName | 2 | Length of the name; if the name = FFFFh, rgch is null and the name in the PivotTable cache storage is used. |
18 | rgch | var | Name. |