Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | guid | 16 | Globally unique identifier for the custom view |
20 | iTabid | 4 | Tab index for the sheet (1-based) |
24 | wScale | 4 | Window zoom magnification |
28 | icv | 4 | Index to color value |
32 | pnnSel | 4 | Pane number of the active pane |
36 | grbit | 4 | Option flags |
40 | refTopLeft | 8 | Reference structure describing the visible area of the top-left pane (see text) |
48 | operNum | 16 | Array of 2 IEEE floating-point numbers that specify the vertical and horizontal positions of the pane split |
64 | colRPane | 2 | The first visible column of the right pane (= – 1 implies no vertical split) |
66 | rwBPane | 2 | The first visible of the bottom pane (= – 1 implies no horizontal split) |
Bits | Mask | Name | Contents | |
0 | 00000001h | fShowBrks | = 1 if page breaks are displayed | |
1 | 00000002h | fDspFmlaSv | = 1 if the window should display formulas = 0 if the window should display value | |
2 | 00000004h | fDspGridSv | = 1 if the window should display gridlines | |
3 | 00000008h | fDspRwColSv | = 1 if the window should display row and column headings | |
4 | 00000010h | fDspGutsSv | = 1 if outline symbols are displayed | |
5 | 00000020h | fDspZerosSv | = 1 if the window should display 0 (zero) values = 0 if the window should suppress display of 0 (zero) values | |
6 | 00000040h | fHorizontal | = 1 if the sheet is to be centered between the horizontal margins when printed | |
7 | 00000080h | fVertical | = 1 if the sheet is to be centered between the vertical margins when printed | |
8 | 00000100h | fPrintRwCol | = 1 to print row and column headings | |
9 | 00000200h | fPrintGrid | = 1 to print gridlines | |
10 | 00000400h | fFitToPage | = 1 if the Fit To option is on (Page Setup dialog box, Page tab) | |
11 | 00000800h | fPrintArea | = 1 if there is at least one print area on the sheet | |
12 | 00001000h | fOnePrintArea | = 1 if there is only one print area on the sheet | |
13 | 00002000h | fFilterMode | = 1 if the list is filtered | |
14 | 00004000h | fEzFilter | = 1 if AutoFilter is active (the drop-down arrows are displayed) | |
16 – 15 | 00018000h | (Reserved) | ||
17 | 00020000h | fSplitV | = 1 if the window is split vertically | |
18 | 00040000h | fSplitH | = 1 if the window is split horizontally | |
20 – 19 | 00180000h | fHiddenRw | 2 bits true => hidden rws are defined as name | |
21 | 00200000h | fHiddenCol | = 1 if there is at least one hidden column on the sheet | |
23 – 22 | 00C00000h | (Reserved) | ||
24 | 01000000h | fSizeWithWn | = 1 if the chart is sized with window (chart sheet only) | |
25 | 02000000h | fFilterUnique | = 1 if the view contains a filtered list | |
26 | 04000000h | fSheetLayoutView | = 1 if the sheet is in page break preview | |
31 – 27 | F8000000h | (Reserved) |