Index to internal format (ifmt) | Format string | |
00h | General | |
01h | 0 | |
02h | 0.00 | |
03h | #,##0 | |
04h | #,##0.00 | |
05h | ($#,##0_);($#,##0) | |
06h | ($#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0) | |
07h | ($#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) | |
08h | ($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) | |
09h | 0% | |
0ah | 0.00% | |
0bh | 0.00E+00 | |
0ch | # ?/? | |
0dh | # ??/?? | |
0eh | m/d/yy | |
0fh | d-mmm-yy | |
10h | d-mmm | |
11h | mmm-yy | |
12h | h:mm AM/PM | |
13h | h:mm:ss AM/PM | |
14h | h:mm | |
15h | h:mm:ss | |
16h | m/d/yy h:mm | |
25h | (#,##0_);(#,##0) | |
26h | (#,##0_);[Red](#,##0) | |
27h | (#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) | |
28h | (#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00) | |
29h | _(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_) | |
2ah | _($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_) | |
2bh | _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) | |
2ch | _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_) | |
2dh | mm:ss | |
2eh | [h]:mm:ss | |
2fh | mm:ss.0 | |
30h | ##0.0E+0 | |
31h | @ |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
4 | 15 – 0 | FFFFh | ifnt | Index to the FONT record. |
6 | 15 – 0 | FFFFh | ifmt | Index to the FORMAT record. |
8 | 0 | 0001h | fLocked | = 1 if the cell is locked. |
1 | 0002h | fHidden | = 1 if the cell is hidden. | |
2 | 0004h | fStyle | = 0 for cell XF. = 1 for style XF. | |
3 | 0008h | f123Prefix | If the Transition Navigation Keys option is off (Options dialog box, Transition tab), f123Prefix = 1 indicates that a leading apostrophe (single quotation mark) is being used to coerce the cell's contents to a simple string. If the Transition Navigation Keys option is on, f123Prefix = 1 indicates that the cell formula begins with one of the four Lotus 1-2-3 alignment prefix characters: ' left " right ^ centered \ fill | |
15 – 4 | FFF0h | ixfParent | Index to the XF record of the parent style. Every cell XF must have a parent style XF, which is usually ixfeNormal = 0. | |
10 | 2 – 0 | 0007h | alc | Alignment: 0 = general 1 = left 2 = center 3 = right 4 = fill 5 = justify 6 = center across selection |
3 | 0008h | fWrap | = 1 wrap text in cell. | |
6 – 4 | 0070h | alcV | Vertical alignment: 0 = top 1 = center 2 = bottom 3 = justify | |
7 | 0080h | fJustLast | (Used only in Far East versions of Microsoft Excel). | |
15 – 8 | FF00h | trot | Rotation, in degrees; 0 – 90dec is up 0 – 90 deg., 91 – 180dec is down 1 – 90 deg, and 255dec is vertical. | |
12 | 3 – 0 | 000Fh | cIndent | Indent value (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab). |
4 | 0010h | fShrinkToFit | = 1 if Shrink To Fit option is on (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab). | |
5 | 0020h | fMergeCell | = 1 if Merge Cells option is on (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab). | |
7 – 6 | 00C0h | iReadingOrder | Reading direction (Far East versions only): 0 = Context 1 = Left-to-right 2 = Right-to-left | |
9 – 8 | 0300h | (Reserved) | ||
10 | 0400h | fAtrNum | = 1 if the ifmt is not equal to the ifmt of the parent style XF. | |
11 | 0800h | fAtrFnt | = 1 if the ifnt is not equal to the ifnt of the parent style XF. | |
12 | 1000h | fAtrAlc | = 1 if either the alc or the fWrap field is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
13 | 2000h | fAtrBdr | = 1 if any border line field (dgTop, and so on) is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
14 | 4000h | fAtrPat | = 1 if any pattern field (fls, icvFore, icvBack) is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
15 | 8000h | fAtrProt | = 1 if either the fLocked field or the fHidden field is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
14 | 3 – 0 | 000Fh | dgLeft | Border line style (see the following table). |
7 – 4 | 00F0h | dgRight | Border line style (see the following table). | |
11 – 8 | 0F00h | dgTop | Border line style (see the following table). | |
15 – 12 | F000h | dgBottom | Border line style (see the following table). | |
16 | 6 – 0 | 007Fh | icvLeft | Index to the color palette for the left border color. |
13 – 7 | 3F80h | icvRight | Index to the color palette for the right border color. | |
15 – 14 | C000h | grbitDiag | 1=diag down, 2=diag up, 3=both. | |
18 | 6 – 0 | 0000007Fh | icvTop | Index to the color palette for the top border color. |
13 – 7 | 00003F80h | icvBottom | Index to the color palette for the bottom border color. | |
20 – 14 | 001FC000h | icvDiag | for diagonal borders. | |
24 – 21 | 01E00000h | dgDiag | Border line style (see the following table). | |
25 | 03800000h | (Reserved) | ||
31 – 26 | FC000000h | fls | Fill pattern. | |
22 | 6 – 0 | 007Fh | icvFore | Index to the color palette for the foreground color of the fill pattern. |
13 – 7 | 3F80h | icvBack | Index to the color palette for the background color of the fill pattern. | |
14 | 4000h | fSxButton | = 1 if the XF record is attached to a PivotTable button. | |
15 | 8000h | (Reserved) |
dg* value | Border line style | |
0h | None | |
1h | Thin | |
2h | Medium | |
3h | Dashed | |
4h | Dotted | |
5h | Thick | |
6h | Double | |
7h | Hair | |
8h | Medium dashed | |
9h | Dash-dot | |
Ah | Medium dash-dot | |
Bh | Dash-dot-dot | |
Ch | Medium dash-dot-dot | |
Dh | Slanted dash-dot |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
4 | 15 – 0 | FFFFh | ifnt | Index to the FONT record. |
6 | 15 – 0 | FFFFh | ifmt | Index to the FORMAT record. |
8 | 0 | 0001h | fLocked | = 1 if the cell is locked. |
1 | 0002h | fHidden | = 1 if the cell is hidden. | |
2 | 0004h | fStyle | = 0 for cell XF. = 1 for style XF. | |
3 | 0008h | f123Prefix | This bit is always = 0 for style XF. | |
15 – 4 | FFF0h | ixfParent | For style XF records, this field equals FFFh (ixfNULL). | |
10 | 2 – 0 | 0007h | alc | Alignment: 0 = general 1 = left 2 = center 3 = right 4 = fill 5 = justify 6 = center across selection |
3 | 0008h | fWrap | = 1 wrap text in cell. | |
6 – 4 | 0070h | alcV | Vertical alignment: 0 = top 1 = center 2 = bottom 3 = justify | |
7 | 0080h | fJustLast | (Used only in Far East versions of Microsoft Excel.) | |
15 – 8 | FF00h | trot | Rotation, in degrees; 0 – 90dec is up 0 – 90 deg., 91 – 180dec is down 1 – 90 deg, and 255dec is vertical. | |
12 | 3 – 0 | 000Fh | cIndent | Indent value (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab). |
4 | 0010h | fShrinkToFit | = 1 if Shrink To Fit option is on (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab). | |
5 | 0020h | fMergeCell | = 1 if Merge Cells option is on (Format Cells dialog box, Alignment tab). | |
7 – 6 | 00C0h | iReadingOrder | Reading direction (Far East versions only). | |
9 – 8 | 0300h | (Reserved) | ||
10 | 0400h | fAtrNum | = 1 if the ifmt is not equal to the ifmt of the parent style XF. | |
11 | 0800h | fAtrFnt | = 1 if the ifnt is not equal to the ifnt of the parent style XF. | |
12 | 1000h | fAtrAlc | = 1 if either the alc or the fWrap field is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
13 | 2000h | fAtrBdr | = 1 if any border line field (dgTop, and so on) is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
14 | 4000h | fAtrPat | = 1 if any pattern field (fls, icvFore, icvBack) is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
15 | 8000h | fAtrProt | = 1 if either the fLocked field or the fHidden field is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
14 | 3 – 0 | 000Fh | dgLeft | Border line style (see the following table). |
7 – 4 | 00F0h | dgRight | Border line style (see the following table). | |
11 – 8 | 0F00h | dgTop | Border line style (see the following table). | |
15 – 12 | F000h | dgBottom | Border line style (see the following table). | |
16 | 6 – 0 | 007Fh | icvLeft | Index to the color palette for the left border color. |
13 – 7 | 3F80h | icvRight | Index to the color palette for the right border color. | |
15 – 14 | C000h | grbitDiag | 1=diag down, 2=diag up, 3=both. | |
18 | 6 – 0 | 0000007Fh | icvTop | Index to the color palette for the top border color. |
13 – 7 | 00003F80h | icvBottom | Index to the color palette for the bottom border color. | |
20 – 14 | 001FC000h | icvDiag | for diagonal borders. | |
24 – 21 | 01E00000h | dgDiag | Border line style (see the following table). | |
25 | 03800000h | (Reserved) | ||
31 – 26 | FC000000h | fls | Fill pattern. | |
22 | 6 – 0 | 007Fh | icvFore | Index to the color palette for the foreground color of the fill pattern. |
13 – 7 | 3F80h | icvBack | Index to the color palette for the background color of the fill pattern. | |
14 | 4000h | fSxButton | This bit always = 0 for style XF. | |
15 | 8000h | (Reserved) |
dg* value | Border line style | |
0h | None | |
1h | Thin | |
2h | Medium | |
3h | Dashed | |
4h | Dotted | |
5h | Thick | |
6h | Double | |
7h | Hair | |
8h | Medium dashed | |
9h | Dash-dot | |
Ah | Medium dash-dot | |
Bh | Dash-dot-dot | |
Ch | Medium dash-dot-dot | |
Dh | Slanted dash-dot |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
4 | 15 – 0 | FFFFh | ifnt | Index to the FONT record. |
6 | 15 – 0 | FFFFh | ifmt | Index to the FORMAT record. |
8 | 0 | 0001h | fLocked | = 1 if the cell is locked. |
1 | 0002h | fHidden | = 1 if the cell is hidden. | |
2 | 0004h | fStyle | = 0 for cell XF. = 1 for style XF. | |
3 | 0008h | f123Prefix | If the Transition Navigation Keys option is off (Options dialog box, Transition tab), f123Prefix = 1 indicates that a leading apostrophe (single quotation mark) is being used to coerce the cell's contents to a simple string. If the Transition Navigation Keys option is on, f123Prefix = 1 indicates that the cell formula begins with one of the four Lotus 1-2-3 alignment prefix characters: ' left " right ^ centered \ fill | |
15 – 4 | FFF0h | ixfParent | Index to the XF record of the parent style. Every cell XF must have a parent style XF, which is usually ixfeNormal = 0. | |
10 | 2 – 0 | 0007h | alc | Alignment: 0 = general 1 = left 2 = center 3 = right 4 = fill 5 = justify 6 = center across selection |
3 | 0008h | fWrap | = 1 wrap text in cell. | |
10 | 6 – 4 | 0070h | alcV | Vertical alignment: 0 = top 1 = center 2 = bottom 3 = justify |
7 | 0080h | fJustLast | (Used only in Far East versions of Microsoft Excel.) | |
9 – 8 | 0300h | ori | Orientation of text in cell: = 0 no rotation. = 1 text appears top-to-bottom; letters are upright. = 2 text is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. = 3 text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. | |
10 | 0400h | fAtrNum | = 1 if the ifmt is not equal to the ifmt of the parent style XF. | |
11 | 0800h | fAtrFnt | = 1 if the ifnt is not equal to the ifnt of the parent style XF. | |
12 | 1000h | fAtrAlc | = 1 if either the alc or the fWrap field is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
13 | 2000h | fAtrBdr | = 1 if any border line field (dgTop, and so on) is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
14 | 4000h | fAtrPat | = 1 if any pattern field (fls, icvFore, icvBack) is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
15 | 8000h | fAtrProt | = 1 if either the fLocked field or the fHidden field is not equal to the corresponding field of the parent style XF. | |
12 | 6 – 0 | 007Fh | icvFore | Index to the color palette for the foreground color of the fill pattern. |
12 – 7 | 1F80h | icvBack | Index to the color palette for the background color of the fill pattern. | |
13 | 2000h | fSxButton | = 1 if the XF record is attached to a PivotTable button. | |
15 – 14 | C000h | (Reserved) | ||
14 | 5 – 0 | 003Fh | fls | Fill pattern. |
8 – 6 | 01C0h | dgBottom | Border line style (see the following table). | |
15 – 9 | FE00h | icvBottom | Index to the color palette for the bottom border color. | |
16 | 2 – 0 | 0007h | dgTop | Border line style (see the following table). |
5 – 3 | 0038h | dgLeft | Border line style (see the following table). | |
8 – 6 | 01C0h | dgRight | Border line style (see the following table). | |
15 – 9 | FE00h | icvTop | Index to the color palette for the top border color. | |
18 | 6 – 0 | 007Fh | icvLeft | Index to the color palette for the left border color. |
13 – 7 | 3F80h | icvRight | Index to the color palette for the right border color. | |
15 – 14 | C000h | (Reserved) |
dg* value | Border line style | |
0h | None | |
1h | Thin | |
2h | Medium | |
3h | Dashed | |
4h | Dotted | |
5h | Thick | |
6h | Double | |
7h | Hair |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
4 | 15–0 | FFFFh | ifnt | Index to the FONT record. |
6 | 15–0 | FFFFh | ifmt | Index to the FORMAT record. |
8 | 0 | 0001h | fLocked | = 1 if the cell is locked. |
1 | 0002h | fHidden | = 1 if the cell is hidden. | |
2 | 0004h | fStyle | = 0 for cell XF. = 1 for style XF. | |
3 | 0008h | f123Prefix | This bit is always = 0 for style XF. | |
15–4 | FFF0h | ixfParent | For style XF records, this field equals FFFh (ixfNULL). | |
10 | 2–0 | 0007h | alc | Alignment: 0 = general 1 = left 2 = center 3 = right 4 = fill 5 = justify 6 = center across selection |
3 | 0008h | fWrap | = 1 wrap text in cell. | |
6–4 | 0070h | alcV | Vertical alignment: 0 = top 1 = center 2 = bottom 3 = justify | |
7 | 0080h | fJustLast | (Used only in Far East versions of Microsoft Excel.) | |
9–8 | 0300h | ori | Orientation of text in cell: = 0 no rotation. = 1 text appears top-to-bottom; letters are upright. = 2 text is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. = 3 text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. | |
10 | 0400h | fAtrNum | = 0 if the style includes Number (Style dialog box). | |
11 | 0800h | fAtrFnt | = 0 if the style includes Font (Style dialog box). | |
12 | 1000h | fAtrAlc | = 0 if the style includes Alignment (Style dialog box). | |
13 | 2000h | fAtrBdr | = 0 if the style includes Border (Style dialog box). | |
14 | 4000h | fAtrPat | = 0 if the style includes Patterns (shading) (Style dialog box). | |
15 | 8000h | fAtrProt | = 0 if the style includes Protection (cell protection) (Style dialog box). | |
12 | 6–0 | 007Fh | icvFore | Index to the color palette for the foreground color of the fill pattern. |
12–7 | 1F80h | icvBack | Index to the color palette for the background color of the fill pattern. | |
13 | 2000h | fSxButton | This bit always = 0 for style XF. | |
15–14 | C000h | (Reserved) | ||
14 | 5–0 | 003Fh | fls | Fill pattern. |
8–6 | 01C0h | dgBottom | Border line style (see the following table). | |
15–9 | FE00h | icvBottom | Index to the color palette for the bottom border color. | |
16 | 2–0 | 0007h | dgTop | Border line style (see the following table). |
5–3 | 0038h | dgLeft | Border line style (see the following table). | |
8–6 | 01C0h | dgRight | Border line style (see the following table). | |
15–9 | FE00h | icvTop | Index to the color palette for the top border color. | |
18 | 6–0 | 007Fh | icvLeft | Index to the color palette for the left border color. |
13–7 | 3F80h | icvRight | Index to the color palette for the right border color. | |
15–14 | C000h | (reserved) |
dg* value | Border line style | |
0h | None | |
1h | Thin | |
2h | Medium | |
3h | Dashed | |
4h | Dotted | |
5h | Thick | |
6h | Double | |
7h | Hair |