Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | regt | 1 | Regression type: 0 = polynomial 1 = exponential 2 = Logarithmic 3 = Power 4 = moving average (a linear trendline has type 0 with order 1) |
5 | ordUser | 1 | Polynomial order or moving average period |
6 | numIntercept | 8 | IEEE number; specifies forced intercept (#NA if no intercept is specified) |
14 | fEquation | 1 | TRUE if the equation is displayed |
15 | fRSquared | 1 | TRUE if the R-squared value is displayed |
16 | numForecast | 8 | IEEE number; specifies number of periods to forecast forward |
24 | numBackcast | 8 | IEEE number; specifies number of periods to forecast backward |