Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | at | 1 | Horizontal alignment of the text (1 = left, 2 = center, 3 = bottom, 4 = justify) |
5 | vat | 1 | Vertical alignment of the text (1 = top, 2 = center, 3 = bottom, 4 = justify) |
6 | wBkgMode | 2 | Display mode of the background 1 = transparent 2 = opaque |
8 | rgbText | 4 | Color of the text; RGB value (high byte = 0) |
12 | x | 4 | x-position of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
16 | y | 4 | y-position of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
20 | dx | 4 | x-size of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
24 | dy | 4 | y-size of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
28 | grbit | 2 | Option flags (See following table) |
30 | icvText | 2 | Index to color value of text |
32 | grbit2 | 2 | Option flags (See following table) |
34 | trot | 2 | Text rotation: 0dec = Horizontal 90dec = Up 90 180dec = Down 180 -90dec = Down (inverted from 180dec) |
Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
0 | 0001h | fAutoColor | 1 = automatic color 0 = user-selected color |
1 | 0002h | fShowKey | If text is an attached data label: 1 = draw legend key with data label 0 = no legend key |
2 | 0004h | fShowValue | 1 = text of label is the value of the data point 0 = text is the category label |
3 | 0008h | fVert | 1 = text is not horizontal 0 = text is horizontal |
4 | 0010h | fAutoText | 1 = use automatically generated text string 0 = use user-created text string Must be one for fShowValue to be meaningful. |
5 | 0020h | fGenerated | 1 = default or unmodified 0 = modified |
6 | 0040h | fDeleted | 1= an Automatic text label has been deleted by the user |
7 | 0080h | fAutoMode | 1 = Background is set to Automatic |
10-8 | 0700h | rot | 0 = no rotation (text appears left-to-right) 1 = text appears top to bottom, letters are upright 2 = text is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise 3 = text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise |
11 | 0800h | fShLabPct | 1 = show category label and value as a percentage (pie charts only) |
12 | 1000h | fShowPct | 1 = show value as a percent. This bit applies only to pie charts |
13 | 2000h | fShowBubbleSizes | 1 = show bubble sizes |
14 | 4000h | fShowLabel | 1 = show label |
15 | 8000h | (reserved) | Reserved; must be zero |
Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
3-0 | 000Fh | dlp | Data label placement (see text) |
15-4 | FFF0h | (reserved) | Reserved; must be zero |
dlp | Position | Used on these chart types |
1 | Outside | Bar, 2d/3d pie |
2 | Inside | Bar, 2d/3d pie |
3 | Center | Bar, line, 2d/3d pie |
4 | Axis | Bar |
5 | Above | Line |
6 | Below | Line |
7 | Left | Line |
8 | Right | Line |
9 | Auto | 2d/3d pie |
10 | Moved (user moved the data label) | various |
Chart type | Position |
2d/3d pie | Auto |
Line | Right |
Bar | Outside |
Stacked bar | Center |
Offset | Name | Size | Contents |
4 | at | 1 | Horizontal alignment of the text (1 = left, 2 = center, 3 = bottom, 4 = justify) |
5 | vat | 1 | Vertical alignment of the text (1 = top, 2 = center, 3 = bottom, 4 = justify) |
6 | wBkgMode | 2 | Display mode of the background 1 = transparent 2 = opaque |
8 | rgbText | 4 | Color of the text; RGB value (high byte = 0) |
12 | x | 4 | x-position of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
16 | y | 4 | y-position of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
20 | dx | 4 | x-size of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
24 | dy | 4 | y-size of the text in 1/4000 of chart area |
28 | grbit | 2 | Display flags |
Offset | Bits | Mask | Name | Contents |
0 | 0 | 01h | fAutoColor | 1 = automatic color 0 = user-selected color |
0 | 1 | 02h | fShowKey | If text is an attached data label: 1 = draw legend key with data label 0 = no legend key |
0 | 2 | 04h | fShowValue | 1 = text of label is the value of the data point 0 = text is the category label |
0 | 3 | 08h | fVert | 1 = text is not horizontal 0 = text is horizontal |
0 | 4 | 10h | fAutoText | 1 = use automatically generated text string 0 = use user-created text string Must be one for fShowValue to be meaningful. |
0 | 5 | 20h | fGenerated | 1 = default or unmodified 0 = modified |
0 | 6 | 40h | fDeleted | 1= an Automatic text label has been deleted by the user |
0 | 7 | 80h | fAutoMode | 1 = Background is set to Automatic |
1 | 2–0 | 07h | rot | 0 = no rotation (text appears left-to-right) 1 = text appears top to bottom, letters are upright 2 = text is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise 3 = text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise |
1 | 3 | 08h | fShLabPct | 1 = show category label and value as a percentage (pie charts only) |
1 | 4 | 10h | fShowPct | 1 = show value as a percent. This bit applies only to pie charts |
1 | 7-5 | E0h | (reserved) | Reserved; must be zero |