C H A P T E R    12 Microsoft Office 97/Visual Basic Programmer's Guide

ActiveX Controls and Dialog Boxes


Microsoft Excel 97, Word 97, and PowerPoint 97 share powerful new tools for creating custom dialog boxes. Because these applications use the same dialog box tools in the Visual Basic Editor, you only have to learn how to create custom dialog boxes one way for all three applications, and you can share these dialog boxes across applications.

After you've created a custom dialog box, you can add ActiveX controls (previously referred to as OLE controls) to it. You can also place ActiveX controls directly on a document, worksheet, or slide. To determine how custom dialog boxes and controls respond to specific user actions — for example, clicking a control or changing its value — you write event procedures that will run whenever a specific event occurs.

Note   For information about designing forms in Microsoft Access, see Building Applications with Microsoft Access 97, available in Microsoft Access 97 and Microsoft Office 97, Developer Edition. An online version of Building Applications with Microsoft Access 97 is available in the Value Pack on CD­ROM in Microsoft Access 97 and Microsoft Office 97, Professional Edition. For information about designing forms in Microsoft Outlook 97, see Building Microsoft Outlook 97 Applications by Peter Krebs, available from Microsoft Press.

Designing Custom Dialog Boxes

To create a custom dialog box, you must create a form (also called a UserForm) to contain controls, add controls to the form, set properties for the controls, and write code that responds to form and control events.

Note   When you're in the Visual Basic Editor designing your dialog box, you're in design mode. In design mode, you can edit controls. Controls don't respond to events in design mode. When you run your dialog box — that is, when you display it the way users will see it — you're in run mode. Controls do respond to events in run mode.

Creating a New Dialog Box

Every custom dialog box in your project is a form, or UserForm. A new UserForm contains a title bar and an empty area in which you can place controls.

To create a new UserForm

  • On the Insert menu in the Visual Basic Editor, click UserForm.

A new, empty UserForm is displayed. Use the Properties window to set properties for the UserForm — that is, to change the name, behavior, and appearance of the form. For example, to change the caption on a form, set the Caption property. For more information about the Properties window and the Visual Basic Editor, see Chapter 1, "Programming Basics."

Adding Controls to a Custom Dialog Box

Use the Toolbox to add controls to a custom dialog box. Click Toolbox on the View menu to display the Toolbox if it's not already visible. To see the name of a particular control in the Toolbox, position the mouse pointer over that control.

To add a control to a custom dialog box, find the control you want to add in the Toolbox, drag the control onto the form, and then drag one or more of the control's adjustment handles until the control is the size and shape you want. For more information about a specific type of control, add the control to a form, select the control, and then press F1.

Note   Dragging a control (or a number of "grouped" controls) from a custom dialog box back to the Toolbox creates a template of that control, which you can reuse at any time. This is a useful feature for implementing a standard "look and feel" for your applications.

After you've added controls to the form, use the commands on the Format menu or the buttons on the UserForm toolbar in the Visual Basic Editor to adjust the alignment and spacing of the controls. Use the Tab Order dialog box (View menu) to set the tab order of the controls on the form.

Tip   The Visual Basic Editor sets the TabIndex property for the controls to determine the tab order. If you want to prevent users from tabbing to a particular control, you can set the TabStop property to False for that control. To do this, right­click the control, and then click Properties to display the Properties window.

Practice 1: Design and run a custom dialog box

  1. Create a new UserForm.

  2. On the UserForm, insert a Frame control.

  3. In the Frame control, insert three OptionButton controls.

  4. Click Run Sub/UserForm on the Run menu.

    The custom dialog box is displayed. The option buttons should work when you click them. Because you first created a Frame control to contain the option buttons, clicking one option button automatically turns all the other ones off in that control.

  5. Click the Close button on the UserForm title bar to exit run mode and return to design mode.

Setting Control and Dialog Box Properties at Design Time

You can set some control properties at design time (before any macros are run). In design mode, right­click a control and then click Properties on the shortcut menu to display the Properties window. Property names are listed in the left­hand column in the window, and property values are listed in the right­hand column. You set a property value by typing the new value in the space to the right of the property name.

Tip   You can view the properties of an object either sorted alphabetically (on the Alphabetic tab in the Properties window) or sorted into functional categories (on the Categorized tab).

Practice 2: Set control properties in design mode

  1. Create a new UserForm.

  2. Add an Image control, a CommandButton control, and a few other controls to the UserForm.

  3. Right­click the image you added, click Properties on the shortcut menu to display the Properties window for the image, and then find Picture (for the Picture property) in the list of properties. To browse for files that you can set this property to, click the ellipsis button (…) in the space to the right of Picture. Select a file in the Load Picture dialog box, and then click OK.

  4. Click the CommandButton you added; the list of properties in the Properties window changes to the properties of command buttons. Find Caption and type Send Order in the space to the right to set the value of the Caption property. The caption is the text that appears on the face of the command button.

  5. In the list of properties for the command button, type CmdSendOrder in the space to the right of (Name). This sets the name you use to refer to the button in your code.

  6. In the list of properties for the command button, type Click here to send order in the space to the right of ControlTipText. When the user positions the mouse pointer over this command button in run mode, this tip will appear, indicating what the button does.

  7. In the list of properties for the command button, type s in the space to the right of Accelerator. Notice that the "S" in the "Send Order" caption on the command button is now underlined. (If you choose as an accelerator key a letter that isn't in the control caption, there will by no visual indication that the control has an accelerator key.) While any dialog box is running, the user can press ALT+the accelerator key (in this case, "S") to move the focus directly to the control.

  8. On the Run menu, click Run Sub/UserForm, and then move the focus to a control other than the Send Order button. You can press ALT+S to move the focus to the Send Order button.

  9. Click the Close button on the UserForm title bar to exit run mode and return to design mode.

Tip   To set a property for several controls at the same time, select the controls and then change the value for that property in the Properties window.

Practice 3: Set UserForm properties in design mode

  1. Click anywhere in a UserForm except on a control to select the UserForm.

  2. In the Properties window, type Book Order Form in the space to the right of Caption.

  3. In the space to the right of BackColor in the list of properties, click the arrow to see a set of values from which to choose. Click the Palette tab, and then click the color you want to set as the background color for the dialog box.

  4. To see the results of your new settings, run the dialog box. Click the Close button on the title bar to return to design mode.

Creating Tabs in Dialog Boxes

If you need for a single dialog box to handle a large number of controls that can be sorted into categories, you can create a dialog box with two or more tabs and then place different sets of related controls on different tabs in the dialog box. To create a dialog box with tabs, add a MultiPage control to the dialog box and then add controls to each tab (or page). To add, remove, rename, or move a page in a MultiPage control, right­click one of the pages in design mode, and then click a command on the shortcut menu.

Note   Don't confuse MultiPage controls with TabStrip controls. The pages (or tabs) of a MultiPage control contain a unique set of controls that you add during design time to each page. Using a TabStrip control, which can look like a series of tabs or buttons, you can modify the values of a shared set of controls at run time. For information about using TabStrip controls, see "Displaying a Custom Dialog Box" later in this chapter.

Writing Code to Respond to Dialog Box and Control Events

Each form or control recognizes a predefined set of events, which can be triggered either by the user or by the system. For example, a command button recognizes the Click event that occurs when the user clicks that button, and a form recognizes the Initialize event that occurs when the form is loaded. To specify how a form or control should respond to events, you write event procedures.

To write an event procedure for a form or control, open the Code window by double­clicking the UserForm or control object, and then click the event name in the Procedure box (in the upper­right corner of the window. Event procedures include the name of the UserForm or control. For example, the name of the Click event procedure for the command button Command1 is Command1_Click. For more information about writing event procedures, see Chapter 1, "Programming Basics."

Practice 4: Write and run an event procedure for a command button

  1. Create a new UserForm, and then add a CommandButton, a CheckBox, and a ComboBox control to it.

  2. Click the command button. In the Properties window, change the code name of the command button by typing CmdSendOrder in the space to the right of (Name).

  3. Double­click the command button to view the code associated with it. By default, the Click event procedure will be displayed in the Code window.

  4. Add a statement to the CmdSendOrder_Click procedure to display a simple message box (use the following example).
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        MsgBox "I've been clicked once"
    End Sub

  5. Run the dialog box to see the results. The CmdSendOrder_Click event procedure will run every time this command button is clicked in run mode. Because you haven't written code for the other controls yet, they don't respond to your mouse actions. Click the Close button on the title bar to return to design mode.

To see all the events that command buttons recognize, click the down arrow next to the Procedure box in the Code window. Events that already have procedures written for them appear bold. Click an event name in the list to display its associated procedure.

To see the events for a different control on the same UserForm or for the UserForm itself, click the object name in the Object box in the Code window, and then click the arrow next to the Procedure box.

Tip   If you add code to an event procedure before you change the code name of the control, your code will still have its previous code name in any procedures it's used in. For example, assume that you add code to the Click event for the Command1 button and then rename the control as Command2. When you double­click Command2, you won't see any code in the Click event procedure; You'll need to move code from Command1_Click to Command2_Click. To simplify development, it's a good idea to name your controls with the names you really want for them before you write any code.

Using Custom Dialog Boxes

To exchange information with the user by way of a custom dialog box, you must display the dialog box to the user, respond to user actions in the dialog box, and, when the dialog box is closed, get information that the user entered in it.

Displaying a Custom Dialog Box

When you want to display a custom dialog box to yourself for testing purposes, you click Run Sub/UserForm on the Run menu in the Visual Basic Editor. However, when you want to display a dialog box to a user, you use the Show method. The following example displays the dialog box named "UserForm1."


Getting and Setting Properties at Run Time

If you want to set default values for controls in a custom dialog box, modify controls while the dialog box is visible, and have access to the information that a user enters in the dialog box, you must set and read the values of control properties at run time.

Setting Initial Values for Controls

To set the initial value, or default value, that a control will have every time the dialog box that contains it is displayed, add code to the Initialize event procedure for the UserForm that contains the control that sets the value for the control. When you display the dialog box, the Initialize event will be triggered, and the control's value will be initialized.

Practice 5: Write and run an Initialize event procedure for a UserForm

  1. Create a new UserForm, and then add a TextBox, a ListBox, and a CheckBox control to it.

  2. Click the text box. In the Properties window, type txtCustomerName in the space to the right of (Name) to set the code name of the text box. Then change the code name of the list box to "lstRegions," change the code name of the check box to "chkSendExpress," and change the code name of the UserForm itself to "frmPhoneOrders."

  3. Double­click the UserForm to display the Code window. With UserForm selected in the Object box of the Code window, select Initialize in the Procedure box. Complete the UserForm_Initialize procedure, as shown in the following example.
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        With frmPhoneOrders
           .txtCustomerName.Text = "Grant Clarridge"   'Sets default text
           .chkSendExpress.Value = True   'Checks check box by default
           With .lstRegions
                .AddItem "North"        'These lines populate the list box
                .AddItem "South"
                .AddItem "East"
                .AddItem "West"
                .ListIndex = 3          'Selects the 4th item in the list
           End With
        End With
    End Sub
    Note   Although collections in the Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint object models are 1­based, arrays and collections associated with forms are 0­based. Therefore, to select the fourth item in the list in the preceding example, you must set the ListIndex property to 3.

  4. Run the dialog box to see the results. Click the Close button on the title bar to return to design mode.

Use Me to Simplify Event Procedure Code

In the preceding example, you can use the keyword Me instead of the code name of the UserForm. That is, you can replace the statement With frmPhoneOrders with the statement With Me. The Me keyword used in code for a UserForm or a control on the UserForm represents the UserForm itself. This technique lets you use long, meaningful names for controls while still making code easy to write. Many examples in this chapter demonstrate how to use Me this way.

If you want to set the initial value (default value) for a control but you don't want that to be the initial value every time you call the dialog box, you can use Visual Basic code to set the control's value before you display the dialog box that contains the control. The following example uses the AddItem method to add data to a list box, sets the value of a text box, and displays the dialog box that contains these controls.

Private Sub GetUserName()
	With UserForm1
		.lstRegions.AddItem "North"
		.lstRegions.AddItem "South"
		.lstRegions.AddItem "East"
		.lstRegions.AddItem "West"
		.txtSalesPersonID.Text = "00000"
		' ...
	End With
End Sub

Setting Values to Modify Controls While a Dialog Box Is Running

You can set properties and apply methods of controls and the UserForm while a dialog box is running. The following example sets the text (the Text property) of TextBox1 to "Hello."

TextBox1.Text = "Hello"

By setting control properties and applying control methods at run time, you can make changes in a running dialog box in response to a choice the user makes. For example, if you want a particular control to be available only while a particular check box is selected, you can write code that enables the control whenever the user selects the check box and disables it whenever the user clears the check box.

Enabling a Control

You can use the Enabled property of a control to prevent the user from making changes to the control unless a specified condition is met. For example, a common use of the Enabled property is in an event procedure for a text box that enables the OK button only when the user has entered a value that conforms to a standard pattern.

Setting the Enabled property is often used to make a set of option buttons available only while the user has a particular check box selected, as demonstrated in the following practice. This code is included in the Change event procedure for the check box, and it runs whenever the state of the check box (checked or cleared) changes.

Practice 6: Enable and disable controls during run time

  1. Create a new UserForm, and then add a CheckBox control to it. Add a Frame control to the UserForm, and then place three OptionButton controls within the frame.

  2. Double­click the check box to switch to the Code window. With CheckBox1 selected in the Object box in the Code window, click Change in the Procedure box. Complete the CheckBox1_Change procedure as shown in the following example.
    Private Sub CheckBox1_Change()
        With Me
           If .CheckBox1.Value = True Then
                .OptionButton1.Enabled = False
                .OptionButton2.Enabled = False
                .OptionButton3.Enabled = False
                .OptionButton1.Enabled = True
                .OptionButton2.Enabled = True
                .OptionButton3.Enabled = True
           End If
        End With
    End Sub

  3. Run the dialog box; select and clear the check box to see how changing the state of the check box enables or disables the three option buttons. Click the Close button on the title bar to return to design mode.

Setting the Focus to a Control

You can set the focus to a control in a dialog box by using the SetFocus method of that control (the control with the focus is the one that responds to keyboard input from the user).

Practice 7: Set the control focus during run time

  1. Create a new UserForm, and then add a CheckBox, an Image, and a few other controls to it. In the Properties window, set the Picture property of the image to display a graphic.

  2. Double­click the image to switch to the Code window. With Image1 selected in the Object box in the Code window, select Click in the Procedure box. Complete the Image1_Click procedure as shown in the following example.
    Private Sub Image1_Click()
    End Sub

  3. Run the dialog box. Give the focus to a control other than CheckBox1. When you click Image1, CheckBox1 is given the focus (a dotted rectangle surrounds the check box, and you can press the SPACEBAR to select or clear the check box). Click the Close button on the title bar to return to design mode.

Displaying and Hiding Parts of a Dialog Box

You can set properties or apply methods of the UserForm itself while a dialog box is running. A common use for this is to expand a UserForm to reveal additional options when the user clicks a command button.

Practice 8: Resize a UserForm during run time

  1. Create a new UserForm. The value of its Height property (the number to the right of Height in the Properties window) should be 180.

  2. Add a CommandButton control at the top of the UserForm, and then add a CheckBox control to the bottom of the UserForm (the Top property for the check box should be at least 120).

  3. Double­click the UserForm to switch to the Code window. With UserForm selected in the Object box of the Code window, click Initialize in the Procedure box. Complete the UserForm_Initialize procedure as shown in the following example. Setting the height of the dialog box to 120 points when it's initially displayed specifies that the control at the bottom of the dialog box will be hidden when the dialog box opens.
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Me.Height = 120
    End Sub

  4. In the Object box in the Code window, click CommandButton1, and then select Click in the Procedure box. Complete the Image1_Click procedure as shown in the following example. The example toggles the value of the Height property of the UserForm between 120 points (the initial value) and 180 points.
    Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
        With Me
           .Height = 300 - .Height
        End With
    End Sub

  5. Run the dialog box. To hide or display the bottom section of the dialog box that contains the check box, click the command button. Click the Close button on the title bar to return to design mode.

Browsing Data with a TabStrip Control

You can use a TabStrip control to view different sets of information in the same set of controls in a dialog box. For example, if you want to use one area of a dialog box to display contact information pertaining to a group of individuals, you can create a TabStrip control and then add controls to contain the name, address, and phone number of each person in the group. You can then add a "tab" to the TabStrip control for each member of the group. After doing this, you can write code that, when you click a particular tab, updates the controls to display data about the person identified on that tab.

Tip   To add, remove, rename, or move a tab in a tab strip, right­click the tab strip in design mode, and then click an item on the shortcut menu.

The following example changes the value of TextBox1 each time a different tab of TabStrip1 is clicked. The index number of the tab that was clicked is passed to the event procedure.

Private Sub TabStrip1_Click(ByVal Index As Long)
If Index = 0 Then
    Me.TextBox1.Text = "7710 Betty Jane Lane"
Index = 1 Then
    Me.TextBox1.Text = "9523 15th Ave NE"
End If
End Sub

Keep in mind that forms­related collections are 0­based, which means that the index of the first member in any collection is 0 (zero).

Note   Don't confuse TabStrip controls with MultiPage controls. Unlike a TabStrip control, the pages (or tabs) of a MultiPage control contain a unique set of controls that you add during design time to each page. For information about using MultiPage controls, see "Creating Tabs in Dialog Boxes" earlier in this chapter.

Data Validation

There are times when you'll want to make sure that the user only enters a value of a specific type in a particular control. For example, if you're using a TextBox control, which allows the user to enter any data type, and if your code expects to get a value of type Integer back from the text box, you should write code that verifies that the user has entered a valid integer before the dialog box closes. To verify that the user has entered the appropriate type of data in a control, you can check the value of the control either when the control loses the focus or when the dialog box is closed. The following example will prevent the user from moving the focus away from the txtCustAge text box without first entering a valid number.

Private Sub txtCustAge_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    If Not IsNumeric(txtCustAge.Text) Then
       MsgBox "Please enter numeric value for the customer's age."
       Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Notice that you set the Cancel argument of a control's Exit event procedure to True to prevent the control from losing the focus.

To verify data before a dialog box closes, include code to check the contents of one or more controls in the dialog box in the same routine that unloads the dialog box. If a control contains invalid data, use an Exit Sub statement to exit the procedure before the Unload statement can be executed. The following example runs whenever the user clicks the cmdOK command button.This procedure prevents the user from closing the dialog box by using the cmdOK button until the txtCustAge text box contains a number.

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    If Not IsNumeric(txtCustAge.Text) Then
       MsgBox "Please enter numeric value for the customer's age."
       Exit Sub
    End If
    custAge = txtCustAge.Text
    Unload Me
End Sub

Getting Values When the Dialog Box Closes

Any data that a user enters in a dialog box is lost when the dialog box is closed. If you return the values of controls in a UserForm after the form has been unloaded, you get the initial values for the controls rather than any values the user may have entered.

If you want to save the data entered in a dialog box by a user, you can do so by saving the information to module­level variables while the dialog box is still running. The following example displays a dialog box and saves the data that's been entered in it.

'Code in module to declare public variables
Public strRegion As String
Public intSalesPersonID As Integer
Public blnCancelled As Boolean

'Code in form
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
	Module1.blnCancelled = True
	Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
	'Save data 
	intSalesPersonID = txtSalesPersonID.Text
	strRegion = lstRegions.List(lstRegions.ListIndex)
	Module1.blnCancelled = False
	Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
	Module1.blnCancelled = True
End Sub

'Code in module to display form
Sub LaunchSalesPersonForm()
	If blnCancelled = True Then 
		MsgBox "Operation Cancelled!", vbExclamation 

		MsgBox "The Salesperson's ID is: " &
			intSalesPersonID & _
			"The Region is: " & strRegion
	End If
End Sub

Closing a Custom Dialog Box

Dialog boxes are always displayed as modal. That is, the user must close the dialog box before returning to the document. Use the Unload statement to unload a UserForm when the user indicates that he or she wants to close the dialog box. Typically, you provide a command button in the dialog box that the user can click to close it.

The following example inserts the name of a dialog box into a Word document and then unloads the form. The code appears in the Click event for an OK button in the dialog box.

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    ActiveDocument.Content.InsertAfter txtUserName.Text
    Unload UserForm1
End Sub

Using the Same Dialog Box in Different Applications

Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint share features for creating custom dialog boxes. You can create a UserForm in one of these applications and share it with the other applications.

To share a UserForm with another application

  1. In the Visual Basic Editor for the application in which you created the UserForm, right­click the UserForm in the Project Explorer, and then click Export File on the shortcut menu.

  2. Choose a name to export the UserForm as, and then click Save. The UserForm is saved with the .frm file name extension.

  3. In the Visual Basic Editor for the application in which you want to use the UserForm, right­click the project where you want to store the form in the Project Explorer, and then click Import File on the shortcut menu.

  4. Select the name you gave the dialog box when you saved it, and then click Open.

Note   Not every UserForm that runs as it's supposed to in one application will run correctly when it's imported into another application. For example, if you import a UserForm that contains Word­specific code into Microsoft Excel, the UserForm won't run correctly.

Working with Controls on a Document, Sheet, or Slide

Just as you can add ActiveX controls to custom dialog boxes, you can add controls directly to a document, sheet, or slide to make it interactive. For example, you might add text boxes, list boxes, option buttons, and other controls to a document to turn it into an online form; you might add a button to a sheet that runs a commonly used macro; or you might add buttons and other controls to the slides in a presentation to help the user navigate the slide show.

Although working with a control on a document, sheet, or slide is very similar to working with a control in a custom dialog box, there are a few differences. Among those differences are the following:

  • On a document, sheet, or slide, you add controls by using the Control Toolbox, not the Toolbox. To display the Control Toolbox, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Control Toolbox.

  • When you're designing a custom dialog box, you run a dialog box to switch to run mode, where your controls will respond to events, and you close a dialog box and return to the Visual Basic Editor to switch back to design mode, where you can work with the controls without having them respond to events. When you're working with controls on documents or in workbooks, you click the Exit Design Mode button on the Visual Basic toolbar to switch to run mode, and you click the Design Mode button to switch back to design mode. In PowerPoint, you run a slide show to switch to run mode, and you switch to any editing view to switch back to design mode.

  • A control may not have the same set of events on a document, sheet, or slide as it does on a UserForm. For example, a command button on a UserForm has an Exit event, whereas a command button on a document doesn't.

Using ActiveX Controls on Word Documents

You can add controls to documents to create interactive documents, such as online forms. Keep the following points in mind when you're working with controls on documents:

  • You can add ActiveX controls to either the text layer or the drawing layer. To add a control to the text layer, hold down the SHIFT key while you click the control on the Control Toolbox toolbar that you want to add to the document. To add a control to the drawing layer, click the control on the Control Toolbox toolbar without holding down the SHIFT key.

  • A control you add to the text layer is an InlineShape object to which you gain access programmatically through the InlineShapes collection. A control you add to the drawing layer is a Shape object to which you gain access programmatically through the Shapes collection.

  • Controls in the text layer are treated like characters and are positioned as characters within a line of text. For example, if you place controls in the cells within a table, the controls will be automatically moved when you resize any columns in the table.

  • You cannot drag controls from the Control Toolbox onto a Word document. When you press SHIFT and click a control to add it to the text layer, the control is automatically added at the insertion point. When you click a control to add it to the drawing layer, the position of the control is based on the position of the insertion point, but may not match it. If you add multiple controls to the drawing layer without moving the insertion point, the controls will all be placed in the same position, one on top of the other, so that you only see the last one you added.

  • In design mode, ActiveX controls in the drawing layer are visible only in page layout view or online layout view.

  • ActiveX controls in the drawing layer are always in run mode (so that they can receive input from a user) in page layout view or online layout view.

  • If you want the user to be able to move between controls in an online form by pressing TAB, add the controls to the text layer, and protect the form by clicking the Protect Form button on the Forms toolbar.

  • If you want to add form fields instead of ActiveX controls to your document to create an online form, use the Forms toolbar.

Using ActiveX Controls on Microsoft Excel Sheets

You can add controls to worksheets or chart sheets next to the data the controls are linked to so that they're easy for the user to find and understand, and so that using them causes only minimal interruptions during a work session. For example, you can add to a worksheet a button that runs a procedure that formats the active cell when the button is clicked.

Keep the following points in mind when you're working with controls on sheets:

  • In addition to the standard properties available for ActiveX controls, you can use the following properties with ActiveX controls in Microsoft Excel: BottomRightCell, LinkedCell, ListFillRange, Placement, PrintObject, TopLeftCell, and ZOrder.

    You can set and return these properties by using the ActiveX control name. The following example scrolls through the workbook window until CommandButton1 is in the upper­left corner of the window.

    Set t = Sheet1.CommandButton1.TopLeftCell
    With ActiveWindow
    	.ScrollRow = t.Row
    	.ScrollColumn = t.Column
    End With

  • Some Microsoft Excel Visual Basic methods and properties are disabled when an ActiveX control is activated. For instance, you cannot use the Sort method when a control is active; thus, the following example will fail in a Click event procedure (because the control is still active after the user clicks it).
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click
    	Range("a1:a10").Sort Key1:=Range("a1")
    End Sub

    You can work around this problem by activating some other element on the sheet before you use the property or method that failed. For instance, the following example sorts the range.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click
    	Range("a1:a10").Sort Key1:=Range("a1")
    End Sub

  • Controls in a Microsoft Excel workbook embedded in a document in another application won't work if the user double­clicks the workbook to edit it. The controls will work if the user right­clicks the workbook and then clicks the Open command on the shortcut menu.

  • When you save a Microsoft Excel 97 workbook by using the Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook file format, all ActiveX control information is lost.

  • The Me keyword in an event procedure for an ActiveX control on a sheet refers to the sheet, not to the control.

Using ActiveX Controls on PowerPoint Slides

Adding controls to your PowerPoint slides provides a sophisticated way for you to exchange information with the user while a slide show is running. For example, you can use controls on slides so that viewers of a show designed to be run in a kiosk have a way to choose options and then run a custom show based on the viewer's choices.

Keep the following points in mind when you're working with controls on slides:

  • A control on a slide is in design mode except when the slide show is running.

  • If you want a particular control to appear on all the slides in a presentation, add the control to the slide master.

  • The Me keyword in an event procedure for a control on a slide refers to the slide. The Me keyword in an event procedure for a control on a master refers to the master, not to the slide that's being displayed when the control event is triggered.

  • Writing event code for controls on slides is very similar to writing event code for controls in dialog boxes. The following example (the Click event procedure for the command button named "cmdChangeColor") sets the background for the slide the button is on.
    Private Sub cmdChangeColor_Click()
       With Me
           .FollowMasterBackground = Not .FollowMasterBackground
           .Background.Fill.PresetGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 1, msoGradientBrass
        End With
    End Sub

  • You may want to use controls to provide your slide show with navigation tools that are more complex than those built into PowerPoint. For instance, if you add two buttons named "cmdBack" and "cmdForward" to the slide master and write the code in the following example for them, all slides based on the master (and set to show master background graphics) will have these professional­looking navigation buttons, which will be active during a slide show.
    Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
    End Sub
    Sub cmdForward_Click()
    End Sub

  • To work with all the ActiveX controls on a particular slide without affecting the other shapes on the slide, you can construct a ShapeRange collection that contains only controls. You can then either apply properties and methods to the entire collection or iterate through the collection to work with each control individually. The following example aligns all the controls on slide one in the active presentation and arranges them vertically.
    With ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes
        numShapes = .Count
        If numShapes > 1 Then
           numControls = 0
           ReDim ctrlArray(1 To numShapes)
           For i = 1 To numShapes
                If .Item(i).Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
                    numControls = numControls + 1
                    ctrlArray(numControls) = .Item(i).Name
                 End If
           If numControls > 1 Then
                 ReDim Preserve ctrlArray(1 To numControls)
                 Set ctrlRange = .Range(ctrlArray)
                 ctrlRange.Distribute msoDistributeVertically, True
                 ctrlRange.Align msoAlignLefts, True
           End If
        End If
    End With

Working with Controls Programmatically

To gain access to a control programmatically, you can either refer to the control by its code name or get to it through the collection it belongs to. (The code name of a control is the value of the (Name) property for that control in the Properties window.)

The following example sets the caption for the control named "CommandButton1."

CommandButton1.Caption = "Run"

Note that when you use a control name outside the class module for the document, sheet, or slide that contains the control, you must qualify the control name with the code name of the document, sheet, or slide. The following example changes the caption on the control named "CommandButton1" on the Sheet1.

Sheet1.CommandButton1.Caption = "Run"

You can also gain access to ActiveX controls through the Shapes, OLEObjects, or InlineShapes collection. ActiveX controls you add to the drawing layer of a document, sheet, or slide are contained in Shape objects and can be programmatically controlled through the Shapes collection. In Microsoft Excel, ActiveX controls are also contained in OLEObject objects that can be controlled through the OLEObjects collection. In Word, ActiveX controls you add to the text layer of a document are contained in InlineShape objects and can be controlled through the InlineShapes collection.

Important   You use the name of the Shape object that contains a particular control, not the code name of the control, to gain access to the control programmatically through a collection. In Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, the name of the object that contains a control matches the code name of the control by default. This isn't true in Word, however; the name of the object that contains a control (which will be something like "Control 1" by default) is unrelated to the code name of a control (which will be something like "CommandButton1" by default). To change the code name of a control, select the control and change the value to the right of (Name) in the Properties window. To change the name of the Shape object, OLEObject object, or other object that contains the control, change the value of its Name property.

The following example adds a command button to worksheet one.

Worksheets(1).OLEObjects.Add "Forms.CommandButton.1", _
	Left:=10, Top:=10, Height:=20, Width:=100

The following example sets the Left property for CommandButton1 on worksheet one.

Worksheets(1).OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Left = 10

The following example sets the caption for CommandButton1.

Worksheets(1).OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Object.Caption = "Run"

The following example adds a check box to the active document's text layer.

ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddOLEControl ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1"

The following example sets the Width property for the first shape in the active document's text layer.
ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1).Width = 200

The following example sets the Value property for the first shape in the active document's text layer.
ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1).OLEFormat.Object.Value = True

The following example adds a combo box to the active document's drawing layer.

ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddOLEControl ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1"

The following example sets the Left property for a combo box contained in Control 1 in the active document's drawing layer.
ActiveDocument.Shapes("Control 1").Left = 100

The following example sets the Text property for a combo box contained in Control 1 in the active document's drawing layer.

ActiveDocument.Shapes("Control 1").OLEFormat.Object.Text = "Reed"

The following example adds a command button to slide one in the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.AddOLEObject Left:=100, Top:=100, _
    Width:=150, Height:=50, ClassName:="Forms.CommandButton.1"

The following example sets the Left property for the control contained in CommandButton1 on slide one in the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("CommandButton1").Left = 100

The following example sets the Caption property for the control contained in CommandButton1 on slide one in the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("CommandButton1") _
    .OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "Run"