
Cancels an asynchronously executing operation.

   HCHAPTER      hChapter,
   ULONG         ulOperation);


hChapter [in]

The handle of the chapter for which to abort the operation. If the object being called is not a rowset object, or the operation does not apply to a chapter, this should be set to DB_NULL_HCHAPTER, which is ignored by the provider.

ulOperation [in]

The operation to abort. This should be the following value:

The request to cancel applies to the asynchronous opening or population of a rowset, or the asynchronous initialization of a data source.

Return Code

The request to cancel the asynchronous operation was processed. This does not guarantee that the operation itself was canceled. To determine whether the operation was canceled, the consumer should call IDBAsynchStatus::GetStatus and check for DB_E_CANCELED; however, it may not be returned in the very next call.

The asynchronous operation cannot be canceled.

The request to abort the asynchronous operation was canceled during notifications. The operation is still being executed asynchronously.

A provider-specific error occurred.

IDBAsynchStatus::Abort was called on a data source on which Initialize has not been called.

IDBAsynchStatus::Abort was called on a data source on which Initialize was called but subsequently canceled prior to initialization. The data source is still uninitialized.

IDBAsynchStatus::Abort was called on a rowset on which ITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort was previously called, and the rowset did not survive the commit or abort and is in a zombie state.

IDBAsynchStatus::Abort was called on a rowset that was asynchronously canceled in its initialization phase. The rowset is in a zombie state.


After receiving a request to cancel, if the provider supports cancellation of the operation it calls IDBAsynchNotify::OnProgress with a ulAsynchPhase of DBASYNCHPHASE_CANCELED for all listeners. If no listeners attempt to deny the cancellation by returning S_FALSE, the operation is canceled and the provider calls IDBAsynchNotify::OnStop for all listeners with an hrStatus of DB_E_CANCELED.  If any listeners deny the cancellation of the operation by returning S_FALSE from the OnProgress notification, the provider returns DB_E_CANCELED from the IDBAsynchStatus::Abort function and continues processing the operation.

See Also
