Command Objects

Command objects are described in the OLE DB specification.

Supported Interfaces

Microsoft PivotTable Service Issues

ICommandText is implemented to support textual queries as suggested in the OLE DB for OLAP specification.

Two GUID dialects are available for use with ICommandText::SetCommandText. They are MDGUID_MDX and DBGUID_MDSQL. When MDX is used, Microsoft® PivotTable® Service supports the multidimensional expression (MDX) syntax described in the OLE DB for OLAP specification.

When DBGUID_DEFAULT or DBGUID_NULL is used, the provider attempts to determine if the query is SQL or MDX. It is recommended that explicit use of MDGUID_MDX or DBGUID_SQL be specified to avoid ambiguities.

A subset of SQL is supported.

SQL queries against local cube files are not supported in this release, and will return an error.


IAccessor is not available on the Command object. This is a required interface for OLE DB, but Microsoft PivotTable Service uses the OLE DB Simple Provider component distributed with the OLE DB SDK for rowset support; this component does not allow IAccessor on the Command object.

ICommandProperties is not complete.